introduction - 00

36 0 0

unit 917
august 14

Loke sat perched on a rock, the end of summer heat burning his back, a great deal of sweat dripping down his face like usual when he stepped outside.

He could care less, the lack of sleep from the past few weeks began to hit him as it became more evident on his face. With his head rested atop of his knee, he did not notice the rather loud footsteps that made their way quickly towards him.

Although, he already had a feeling that she'd find him sooner or later.

"Wake up!" Lucy jumped onto the rock beside him shaking his body violently.

Mumbling a quick hello, he smiled, knowing at least some things would never change. "Usually you're louder than this." Pouting, she rested her head onto his shoulder watching the leaves fall around them.

Loke sighed, closing his eyes just as an uneasy feeling came over him,"We're running out of time, aren't we?"
Pulling out what seemed like an old worn out notebook, fragile to the point where it could break at any moment she mumbled a short spell under her breath. "About 4 years..."

Loke sat up and turned towards her, forgetting momentarily about what he was trying to hide. She shot up shocked at   him as he tried to hide his face, which only made her angry. "Are you crazy?!"

Grabbing the hood of the sweater he was wearing, she pulled it down as far as it would go in front of his face, "You're going to get yourself killed."

He sat there quietly, knowing she was right, "I forgot to take my pill, Lu." The disappointment had already set in as he looked away from her.

She growled growing annoyed, "You act like it's no big deal." Especially by the fact that he had just lied straight to her face expecting her not to catch on.

"You shouldn't be making a big deal about dying, it's going to happen eventually."

She raised her hand prepared to slap him, but stopped herself as she noticed his eyes holding a blank stare.

"Are you even listening to yourself?!" She walked away from already frustrated by how lenient Loke was acting.

After all, accepting the fact that your time is limited isn't something that comes quickly, they needed more time.

Something they didn't have.

Yet she hated the fact that he was right. Everyone was just sitting waiting for the inevitable to happen. It broke her knowing that she couldn't do anything about it.

Tears continued building up in her eyes, but all she could think of was how calm he could stay in the middle of everything while she could barely function.

Her body froze, feeling his arms wrap around her, keeping her in his warm embrace. Loke cared too much about her to let her walk away from him. Hot tears fell against his arm, making him tightened his grip. "It's today, isn't it?" He asked, realizing how insensitive he was.

She turned around to look up at him, his  bright orange eyes dimmed slightly. She opened her mouth to respond, but before she could get one word out a bloody scream from afar answered his question.

It was time for
The Festival of Death.


start: 5.10.2018
end: ???

welcome to
a lifetime of lost souls
this is more story driven book
rather than a ship based one
hope you enjoy!

⊱ mild swearing
⊱ references to death
⊱ any other sensitive topics will
be mentioned before said chapters

i do not own Fairytail or
any of its characters all rights go to
Hiro Mashima. i only own this
book's plot.


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