nostalgia - 04

6 0 0

unit 917
august 21

It'd been a week since the incident, so far it was running smoothly, too much for anyone's liking.

While everyone else was patrolling the base they'd created, Loke sat in between his partners besides. Specifically for Lucy, her power was one that was envied by many, which is why she rarely used it.

She'd always been afraid that if someone found out about it, they'd used it against her.

It wouldn't be the first time it was.

"She'll be fine you know." He jumped in his seat hearing his boss shuffle out of his bed, stretching his body out.

"Shouldn't you be resting?"

"Shouldn't you be supervising?"

He laughed, giving in, "Touché..." Laxus made his way to the other side of his sibling's bed, sorrow filling his eyes.

"It really takes a lot out of them doesn't it?"

Loke raised an eyebrow confused only making Laxus laugh again before pointing to the corner of the makeshift clinic. He'd been so focused on his friends that he hadn't realized the unconscious devil strapped down in the same room.

"I didn't see him, but anyways what exactly is Replica? You two never really bothered to explain it to me when I joined 917 now that I think about it."

Laxus sighed, pulling out a lighter and a cigarette already knowing they'd be there a while. Bringing the addictive substance towards his mouth, he took a breath of it letting it sit in his throat before blowing it out into the open.

"Once upon a fucking ti-"

"Is that really necessary?" Loke said, cutting him off, earning him an eye roll.

Starting again, he toned it down, "Replica, it's something unfathomable in a way, but then again being a mage is also."

It always intrigued anyone who knew about it, to be quite honest the power was rare, so not many people lived to see it in all its glory.

"That's why humans have grown to hate us, and this power didn't seem to help any of us either. Replica so far seems to run only through 4 major bloodlines, some of the most prestigious mage families."

The names immediately began to appear in Loke's head, "The Heartfelia's,"

"One of the most successful business families of the underground, despite being mages they still managed to create some money in our messed community. Lucy Heartfelia retains the Replica of Touch." Laxus smiled, staring down at his sister, they may not be blood-related, but they cared so much for one another.

Loke continued naming the next family, "Next up the hot-headed Scarlets!" He licked his finger and then touched his arm making a sizzling sound with his mouth.

"Don't ever do that again!" Laxus said, flicking him on the forehead, "Anyways, these people, well mercenaries I should say, simply do the rest of the worlds dirty work. With a large sum of cash that is. Erza Scarlet retains the Replica of Taste."

That caught Loke off guard, does she lick people for a living?! It was all he could think of upon hearing that.

"You're disgusting she isn't a dog like you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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