without cause - 03

12 0 0

unit 917
august 14

"How about you back the fuck off?"

All Loke could feel was a big thud not to far from him as the pink mop flew above and away from his head.

As much as he wanted to laugh, he could barely lift himself up past the shoulders, but it gave him enough time that he could see his partner's angry stare. This time it was a new feeling he'd never felt before.

Both of the rivals seemed at a loss for words, it'd been years since they got clear views of one another during their cat and mouse chase. Yet, something felt different more than the previous loyalty they had for one another, but as if they were connected in many ways.

Hearing the voice of her fallen teammate snapped her out of it, "Lucy?" Quickly reminding her about the task at hand.

"You okay, Lo?" She said in an attempt to play it off. Although her eyes were still focused ahead on the main target. "I'll live, don't worry about me!"

Despite the circumstances they were in, smiles crept on to both of their faces, the ability to see the good in every single situation made them unstoppable.

Confused Natsu stepped back evaluating them closely, especially his ex-partner the one he had been searching for all this time.

"Finally gave up on running? Or are you tired of letting everyone around you die?"

Slowly moving forward, he noticed how she no longer looked hesitant, her entire being eluding confidence.

"You haven't changed one bit." She said with a cold and almost dangerous tone.

He smirked, disappearing into thin air, once again, certain that he wouldn't be found allowing him to scope out the area around them.

That was until he felt the hard bottom of her shoe against his head, revealing her position. "Come on, this isn't a circus show! I'm here, now what!" Lucy said, mocking him directly.

Tired of her words, he charged straight for her taking them both to the ground, she gasped the wind getting knocked out of her. He swung, missing every hit as she moved out from under him by head banging him.

"That was a cheap shot!" He yelled.

Copying his previous tactics, she became invisible to those around giving her the chance to regain composure.

Not being able to sense her where she was, Natsu waited for her to reappear never letting his guard down. "Come on! Stop playing around and let's get this over with." Just as he began to whine, the blonde mage came from above shocking him.

Wrestling him to the ground for the final time, Lucy had him just where she needed him.  "Get off me, you idiot!" He said, wiggling to get free, but her strength seemed to have tripled.

"Why, what a kind gentleman you've grown to be!"

Realizing he was trapped, he stopped resisting as they laid in the center of all the knocked out or deceased makes.

"You know I was waiting for this day, why'd it take you so long?" He asked staring her in the eyes.

Sighing Lucy found it difficult to respond to his question, to put it simply there was no clear answer. "I don't know, honestly... something just told me I had to do it now."

"It'd be nice to have you back with us."

Rolling her eyes, she smiled, "Never gonna happen." Even if she wants to there would be no chance of her taking it, at least not now.

"They miss you, you know?" Confused, she let up on her grip and all it took was that one slip up for him to take advantage of her.

He grabbed her pulling them up off the keeping Lucy in a chokehold tightening it slowly. "N-Natsu?" Struggling to breathe, she clawed at his arm, desperate for air, the world around her fading in and out.

"I suggest you let go of our teammate... for your own sake that is." Laxus stood up as if nothing had happened to him.

Loosening the grip on her neck, he pulled raised his fingers against her head in a gun position. "Move and I'll shoot her!"

Lucy began to laugh maniacally leaving him dazed and confused, "Take a look around you, if I die you won't even last a second."

"What do you me-" His eyes widened, every mage that lay on the ground around them had come back pointing their fingers at him.

It finally made sense to him, they knew nothing would benefit the revolution by fighting him directly, so they played him instead.

Natsu let go of her entirely, seeing as he was surrounded with no where to go. Loke walked towards him putting the criminals hands behind his back locking him in with a pair of anti-magic handcuffs.

"B-but I thought you were..."

Loke laughed, "Severely injured? I'm the Lion mage, don't tell me you forgot I heal faster than most!"

"This is absurd! Let me go please, Lu!" He screamed all the way to the car waiting for him.

"Lucy it worked, we captured him!" Everyone cheered, the few humans that managed to watch from afar were stunned at what they had just witnessed.

"Yeah... I guess we did." She quietly stepped away moving from the crowd of her people.

It was almost bittersweet, tears pricked at her eyes as she watched the car drive away Laxus sitting beside him.

"Lucy, are you alright?" Wiping away the tears, she turned around smiling at him. "Just great, it all went according to plan."

She hadn't realized that she had zoned out until she felt Loke's strong arms wrap around her body. "I know it's hard, but it'll all be worth it."

"How can you be so sure?" Ironic to think the person who'd seemingly given up on hope was now spreading it.

"Trust me, I just know it will be..."

It was as though she had been waiting for a moment to let it all out, hugging him as tight as she could sobbing. Perhaps not everything would go their way, but this was just the start. They were closer to saving their future.

Looking up at him teary eyed, she gripped his face, making them stare at one another directly, "Promise me this okay?"

He nodded knowing, it'd save him one day, "What is it?" After everything they'd been through she scared him the most during these moments.

"Don't believe everything you're told..."


Natsu- replica (inherits powers by sight)

next chapter:
nostalgia - 04

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