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Octavia's POV

I opened my eyes to ear splitting screeching. I immediately reach for my light, feeling my breathing deepen.

What the hell is going on.

So I sprint outside trying to follow the screams. Ethan, Madison and the new boy, Justyn seem to have the same idea.

It's coming from Christina's room.

A gasp escapes my lips as I twist her door knob, trying to bust in with my right shoulder.

It doesn't budge.

I knock the door loudly with my palms yelling to let her out. No one listens.

I bite my lips, stepping back until I rush up with all the strength in my body, busting it open.

I felt a slight tingle of pain from my shoulder but ignored it, looking up.

A knife.

A silver long blade stuck out of her small body, nothing but terror etched across her features.

My legs felt weak and I could support myself. I let out a shaky breath, reaching out to her before I felt myself being pulled up by Justyn.

"Relax..." he mumbles in my head, also scared. "W-We'll figure out a-what h-happened..." he says, his voice cracking.

"Christina!" I yell again as if it would bring her back. The sight was absolutely gruesome.

Red blood was dripping from her bedside, her sheets soaked in her own blood. Her arms later limply by her sides and eyes were still open.

I gulp, turning my head as my hand races to my mouth.

"Let's get out of here...." Justyn says behind me, pulling my wrist away from the scene.

My eyes were wide open, searching the room for a clue and i pulled away from him.

"No..." I mumble to myself, searching the floor. I repeat the word, pulling st the roots of my hair in agony as I sob.

Victor doesn't come.

I make a racket, thumping my hard against the floor boards, slamming things on the floor as Justyn and Ethan try and stop me but he never comes.

So what if he did this?

My eyes narrow in anger as I get up, wiping my tears.

"Where are you, you piece of shit!" I scream, angrily stomping toward his door.

"Answer!" I yell, kicking the wooden barrier. "I swear to god, I will-"

He opens the door, red bloodshot eyes and dots of blood all over his suit.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me." I snarl.

Victor stars back, his eyes twitching before he grabs my hair and pushes me to the door.

I let out a battle cry, kicking the ends of his legs as I punch his stomach.

It was all a blur.

Until he took out a black object from the inside of his suit, pointed it at me and I heard a loud bang.


Ethan's POV

I cleaned up her abdomen again, looking under the cloth over it to make sure it was okay.

The bullet was gone, laying neatly on the nightstand.

Just the thought of it made me gag. So I wrapped it with the towel and throw it away, cautiously walking to Octavia.

I small smile played my lips as I saw her peacefully asleep.

She was always loud and yelling.

I sigh, pushing her hair out of her face.

The blood was everywhere.

He shot her and turned back into his room.

Justyn stared, running to help her. Madison screamed, covering her eyes.

I ran to her.

I held her on my arms, trying to keep her awake and saw the life get sucked out of her.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her mouth closed and body went limp.

I thought she was gone.

That's when it hit me.

So I helped Octavia and told Madison the truth.

Madison was hurt. Really hurt.

Tears welled in her eyes as she stared me down. She slapped me, completely defeated.

But I had to do it.

I didn't regret it.

So here I am.

Sitting beside Octavia's unconscious body.

Waiting for her to be awake.

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