Chapter 3-The goddess of everything

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Goddess of the gods and goddesses? She is more powerful than the titans themselves? I've never heard of Lavota, but she sounds important.

"So wait... our mother is the goddess of everything?" Hero questioned slightly confused.

Chiron nodded slightly. "Yes, she is the most powerful goddess that has ever lived in all gods. Greek, Roman, Egyptian, etcetera."

A few kids looked at the Brines. They were kinda scared. I wouldn't blame them. They could take them down with their eyes closed. All at once.

"And since there is no cabin for the goddess, yet, they must stay in another. Who would take them for now.?"

No one was saying anything. Then I raised my hand. "I'm the one who found them. I should be the one to give them a place to stay until their cabin is built."

Kids looked at me like I was crazy. Elizabith and Hero just smiled at me.

"Thank you. We really appreciate it." Hero said, speaking for both of them, since Elizabith just tried to commit suicide and was close to it.

"The least I can do. You are my friends."

They smiled and Elizabith looked kinda sad. Her eyes were almost as grey as Annabeth's. But Elizabith's were blue.

Her beautiful blue eyes were shimmering in the sunlight earlier. Now her eyes were as dark as the depths of Tartarus.


After the meeting was over and everything else, it was time for bed. I showed Elizabith and Hero to my cabin where they will stay until their cabin was built, which wouldn't take long.

After we took turns taking a shower and getting ready for bed, I layed in my bed and immediately fell asleep.


I was bored and couldn't sleep, so I started cleaning up Percy's cabin. By the time I was tired, it was 12:00 am and the entire cabin was cleaned, top to bottom.

I layed in my bed for a bit before dozing off and falling asleep.



When I woke up, I saw that the entire cabin was spotless. Not a dirt spec anywhere. Who did that?

After I got ready I went out - with Elizabith and Hero - to the pavilion for breakfast, only to see everyone standing around one table, a table that was never there before.

Everyone was murmuring to each other. I went to the front to see a beautiful woman sitting at the table looking bored. She looked almost exactly like Elizabith. Could she be...? No...

When Hero saw her, his eyes widened. "Mom?"

The woman looked over and so did everyone else. The woman smiled. Her voice was angelic. Almost like she had been send from Christian beliefs.

"Hello my son," she said. "Hello my daughter. I've been waiting for this day for a long time. But not to know what all happened last night."

She then looked over at Elizabith. "Liz... darling... don't every try that again. There are so many other people who care for you. You don't need the love from the other demigods to power you. You have the love of everything else."

Elizabith smiled. "Thanks mom."

Seeing her mother and Elizabith smile made everyone else smile. Even I couldn't help but smile seeing this goddess.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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