Chapter 7

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AN: I haven't worked on this in so long. hAhAhA also imma probably rewrite the other chapters sometime because I reread them and they sound cringy af XD


somewhere, a mysterious figure let a small paper white butterfly sit on their finger. Their surroundings were quite odd: it was a dusty and dark place, furniture was covered in faded out white sheets, mice scurried in the corners, and cobwebs hung from a once grand crystal chandelier. Our mystery person however, was standing in front of a giant stained glass window in the shape of a purple butterfly. The mysterious person called out into the darkness. "Nooroo. Come to me. I wish to begin." A small purple humanoid with wings, flew over to the person from the shadows. "Master. I have told you over and over again. The miraculous must not be used for evil. There will be consequen-" the creature did not finish, as the master struck the poor thing, making it fly into a wall with a crash, making dust rain everywhere, and frightened mice ran. "Nooroo. Look at that. My new silk coat is covered in dust. I shall feed you dried bread crusts for a week as punishment. " the kwami whimpered and curled up into a small ball.  "yes master." the person sighed impatiently. "get over here you weakling! I want to transform!" slowly, the kwami rose, and floated over to the person. A bit of light had reached through the shadows, and illuminated a piece of a expensive looking silk coat lined with soft fur. The person carefully adjusted the butterfly brooch, on their shirt, and their voice rang through the room. "Nooroo! Transformee moi!" As purple light enveloped the person, they grinned, as they felt their strenghth increase, and is their heavy clothes were replaced with a lightweight, durable, and quite fashionable suit. As they felt their mask on their head with one hand, they firmly held their cane in the other. Another ray of light shone through, showing it was a man standing on the dusty ground. He tapped his cane, and butterflies previously hiding in the shadows flew out, and surrounded him. He chose one from the cloud, and the others scattered again. The innocent incect sat on his palm, as he closed it with his other hand. A pure black light shone from where the hands weren't covering the  butterfly. When he opened his hand, a lure inky black butterfly was sitting there. " go my akuma, go and find a vulnerable soul for us to distort.."

Marinette was reading in the garden, when she saw one of the stablehands sitting with their face in their arms. When she got a bit closer, she realized it was Ivan. Who else could have such big hands? Marinette smiled. She had many fond memories with Ivan. She recalled all those times he had helped her, like when she climbed the giant oak in the center of the garden, tore her dress, and couldn't get down. It was Ivan who rescued her. Though they only had a age difference of three and a half years, Ivan was a big brother to her. Marinette blinked back the memories, and pulled herself back into the present. She crouched down next to Ivan, who hadn't even noticed her presence. "Ivan..what happened? Are you alright?" Ivan looked at Marinette, his weary eyes barely focusing. "no.." Marinette felt terrible. Her friend has been miserable for god knows how long, and she had been daydreaming about a boy with cat ears and a tail. She ought to have her ears boxed! "What's happened?" Marinette took Ivan's big hand in her small one, and started gently massaging circles into his palm. It was a secret between the two, that Ivan enjoyed it, and found it relaxing. "Kim told me I'm a coward because I won't confess to Mylene that I love her. He's been threatening to tell her himself." Ivan clenched his other hand. "I can't have that..I've dreamed of confessing to Mylene once I have enough money to give her everything she could ever need. Kim's a noble. He doesn't understand what its like for us. No offence Mari." Marinette looked down at the green grass. Kim was a fairly new squire at court, who spent most of his time when he wasn't training, flirting, or eating at the stables, so he and Ivan knew each other fairly well. Unfortunately, Kim did not understand many things, and this resulted in frequent fights between the two, kept in perfect secret from the court. Marinette had often helped Ivan patch up his battle injuries because he was too prideful to go to anyone else. Marinette looked back up at the sky. "What if you do confess to Mylene? It's not like you'll get married right away since you two are still pretty young. And by doing that, you can ensure nobody else courts her, if you are courting her." Ivan scratched his head. He picked up a daisy that was sprouting from the small hole between the mossy stone path, and twirled it between his fingers, the flower being minuscule in comparison to his hand. "but Mari, what would I do? I'm no expert at romance," Marinette took the daisy from Ivan and put it in his hair. "write her a song? I sure would love it if someone wrote a song just for me. " Ivan immediately sported a grin. "That's it! Thank you so much Mari!" Mari breathed out a sigh of relief. She hated it when her friends were sad, and she was happy she could help. Ivan got up. " I can't thank you enough for this." Marinette smiled. "Just go write the song. I would like little nieces and nephews before I'm old and gray thank you very much." Ivan turned beet red. Marinette giggled. It was fun teasing each other like this. For a few moments, she could pretend she was a normal girl talking to her freind. Sadly, that illusion dissipated a few seconds later, and reality would set in. Ivan got up, and saluted Marinette. She saluted him back, and waved him goodbye as he ran off to write his song.

Adrien sat on a sofa with a pained expression as Chloe was yammering on and on about dresses, men, dresses, jewelry, and more dresses. Adrien quietly died inside. If this is what Mari had to deal with every day, then he felt bad for her. As Chloe droned on and on about clothes, Adrien fell asleep. In his dream, he was running on rooftops with a red clad woman with black spots. for some reason, he could feel his heart racing, yet he was not out of breath. He felt a urge to run after her forever....

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