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It's okay to have doubts and questions. In fact, you should. It's okay to discover that you are a Therianthrope. It's also okay to discover that you are not. Being a Therian isn't any more special than being a normal human.

It's important to actually learn about Therianthropy and some of the history of our community. There are a lot of good, easily accessible resources where you can read about Therianthropy and see what other Therians have experienced. See the References at the end.

Do not get all of your information about Therianthropy from only one source or group of people. Get information from multiple places, but stay away from any outrageous claims. While no one else can tell you whether or not you are indeed a Therian, rational thought and self examination are important.

How to Determine if You are a TherianthropeWhere stories live. Discover now