1.1- With Friends Like These...

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She stood before the black door, silent as death. Gathering herself, she placed her hand upon the door.

"What is the music of life?" The sibilant voice echoed in her head, and she repressed a shudder.
"Silence, my brother." She whispered, voice raw.
"Welcome home." The door opened, and she slipped inside under the cover of the moonless night.

Stairs led downward, and she breezed through the passage, feet unhindered by the dim light. She turned the corner, and came to a stop, eyes adjusting to the brighter light here.

"Ah, at last! I hope you found the place alright." Astrid was before her, leaning against the wall.
"It was okay." She mumbled. "What happens now?"
"Well, what happens now is that you start your new life in the Dark Brotherhood. You're part of the Family, after all." Astrid gestured around the two women. "This, as you can see, is our Sanctuary. You won't find a safer place in all of Skyrim. Get comfortable." Arielle shifted nervously, glancing around without a word.
"Hm... The silence suits you nicely. It would give you an air of mystery... if you gained some confidence." Arielle blushed in embarrassment, mumbling an apology.
"It's alright, you'll come into your self eventually. Now, down to business. I'm arranging a job for you." She perked up. "But in the meantime, go talk to Nazir. He may have some smaller contracts to tide you over." Arielle made to step away, but Astrid spoke.

"Soon, the Night Mother will arrive, and things around here are sure to get even more interesting." She took another step.

"Ah, but one last thing, a welcome home present. The armor of the Dark Brotherhood. May it serve you well in all your... endeavors." Astrid's mouth curved into a bloodthirsty grin. Arielle gave a small smile in return and gently took the folded armor, clutching it to her chest like a child a teddy bear. She stepped past Astrid, continuing down another set of stairs.

"Be sure and introduce yourself to your new Family members. They're all very eager to meet you." She turned, nodded, and continued on. She stepped into a large open space, and once again stopped. There were several people, all in variations of the armor she held in her arms, discussing something. She couldn't tell just quite what. She waited, lurking in the shadowed archway until they were done speaking. The group broke up, and she made for the redguard, who she guessed was Nazir.

"So you're the newest member of our dwindling, dysfunctional little Family. I've heard quite a bit about you." She nodded, watching him closely. He didn't seem to mind the hard stare.
"I'm sure you'll hear more. I seem to have found my calling."
"Oh, cocky! I give you three days before you screw up and someone runs a knife across your throat. But who knows? I've been wrong before." Arielle shrugged.
"Astrid said you'd have work for me?"
"Oh, did she now? Well, as it turns out, there are a few lingering contracts we haven't had the chance to complete just yet. And more, dribbling in from time to time. I'll assign them to you as they become available. To be completed at your leisure."
"Sounds simple enough." He nodded.
"It is. These aren't particularly glamorous assassinations, I'll be honest. Don't pay much, either. But they'll keep you busy. Just do them as you're able. There's no real time limit - the targets aren't going anywhere." He paused. "You can turn each one in as it's completed, or wait and tun in the whole group when all the targets have been eliminated. Whichever works for you." He threw in a nonchalant shrug.

"So when can I start?" He chuckled at her eagerness.
"You might want to put that armor on first. But I may as well give you the three I have. Your targets are the beggar Narfi, an ex-miller named Enodius Papius, and Beitild, a mine boss. Come back when those three are dead, and I might have more for you."
"Where can I find them?"
"Narfi lives near Ivarstead, you'll find Enodius west of Windhelm, down the river, and Beitild lives in Dawnstar." She nodded, moving to step away, and he turned towards the Argonian. She left the Sanctuary quickly, mumbling a goodbye to Astrid as she passed. Fresh air brushed against her face, and she huffed, sighing. Falkreath was just up the road a bit, she could spend the remainder of the night there and head for Ivarstead in the morning. She nodded. That's what she'd do. She slipped the armor into her bag, and stepped onto the stone path that lead south west, then hooked north east straight through Falkreath. Her steps were near silent, and each tap of her feet meeting stone never reached her ears.

Warmth rushed over her as she opened the door to Dead Man's drink, and she basked in it, absent-mindedly shutting the door behind her. The cold got to her more than she liked to admit. Not that she spoke much, let alone admitted anything. She slowly made her way to the bartop, where a woman stood.

"I'd like a room, if you have one." Arielle spoke before the other could, placing the last of her gold on the counter. Luckily she had enough.
"Of course. Just on the other side of that door." She nodded her thanks and made her way to the solitary door. The moment it shut securely behind her, she yanked the armor out of her bag, laying it out. She wondered how it'd fit. She picked it back up, and folded it piece by piece until it sat neat and tidy on the table next to the bed. She busied herself with getting ready for bed, before settling in with her blanket and what little food remained from her last trip to the market. Tomorrow was a big day, with lots of traveling. Ivarstead was quite far from Falkreath, what with the winding paths. She pulled out her journal, charcoal in hand.

Middas, Twenty-first of Frostfall, 4E201

Today was my first... proper introduction to the Dark Brotherhood. The Family are very... odd. Astrid seems okay enough, but it's early. Nazir is a bit sassy, though I suspect he kept it toned down. We'll either love each other or hate the sight of the other. I didn't get the chance to talk to the others, but I hope those meetings go well. The armor looks like it'll fit, but I said that about The Dress, too. We'll see in the morning.

Death Count: 1


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