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These are just the general rules and writing tips for if you want to write a fanfiction or original story.

~Always check your grammar and spelling, if I didn't just do that, this would have said "Chack you're gramar and pelling" Yeah... no. (I can't type) (I also have a cold so that doesn't help either.)

~ Every chapter should be 1000 words or more, I used to write 500 words or less, looking back my chapters were incredibly short... Unless you have story telling reasons as to why you're writing less than that, I wouldn't suggest it. It gets a bit annoying and I find it pulls you out of the story.

~ If you're going to have song lyrics, put them in italics or bold so people won't miss the story, but can skip the song easy enough. Not many people like to read large blurbs of lyrics out of nowhere.

~Again if you're going to have song lyrics, link the video at the top. In the writing option, at the top there should be a little video camera icon, click it and link the video, YouTube links should do.

~COPY WRITE IT! This is in fact already done automatically, but double check it, just for good measure.

~ Don't forget punctuation, I have literally seen a fanfic that didn't use any punctuation at all except periods. They didn't even use quotation marks. *face palm*

~Rate the fanfic appropriately, if you're going to swear and have dirty jokes in it, rate it PG etc.

~If you're going to write smut, warn your readers AT THE BEGINNING. While this isn't necessary, it's a nice thing to do.  (Smut: A story that involves adult content...)

~ If you don't know how to use past tense, present tense and future tense,  Learn how to, because "Buyed" is NOT proper.

~Try to dedicate, it helps bring in reads :D (Not an option anymore, oops)

~Author's notes can go before or After, not in the middle of the story, it gets annoying and if you have that much to say, you can always open a rants book or write in a journal.

~Author's notes should be held to a limited number of words, with the exception of thanking readers on a certain number of reads, but still, don't go hog wild, for the most part, people want to read to story. Again, it pulls you out of the story and can ruin the feeling of the book.

~Make it clear that you're writing an Author's note, make it in italics or bold, separate it with a line or something.

~ Try to keep author's notes out of the middle of the story. E.g: *Story, story, story, name...* (A/N sorry if you're name if that!) *story, story, story* That can be in  the actual A.N or not in the story at all


Speaking of Author's notes... Yeah, there will be another chapter or two... Good luck on your stories!

Hermescamper, OUT!

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