I'm Back - Fred Weasley

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idea credit: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-best-Harry-Potter-headcanon 

The Great Hall is filled full of the wounded. There's a sense of completion and safety contained inside the room, but nobody can focus on the good. Nobody can think: "We've done! We've beat Lord Voldemort!" Nobody can be happy because we are all sat with a loved one who just simply is not going to make it.

I am sat next to the battered up blanket holding the man who had made all of my years at Hogwarts feel at home. The one that had taught me to fly on my broom after failing to understand anything that came from Hooch. The kid I met on the train to my first year who insisted that the chocolate he had given me was "just candy", even after my hair had turned a flaming red. My best friend since the beginning was dead next to me. 

I feel the tears running down my cheeks as the rest of the room becomes silenced. I stare down at him, not yet allowing the impact hit as Molly cradles his head in her lap, rocking back and forth. 

Suddenly, Ron and Harry burst into the Great Hall and make their way over to us. Ron drops to his knees, sobbing as his mother simply can not look him in the eye. Soon enough, everyone is crowded around the red-headed twin, including George.

I tare my eyes away from the living twin as he begins to break down next to his other half. My other half. I can't bear the sight of him, they look exactly the same. The same face, the same hair, the same voice. But he isn't Fred. He is alive. 

I feel the pressure weighing down on my chest as it seems to finally hit me. The sobs rack my body, the air struggling to make its way in and out as I felt an arm on my back. I stare down at him, lifeless, and collapse into the presence behind me. Bringing my hands up to my face to hide the tears, I let the person embrace and hold me there as I sob. A hand removes the hair from my face and plants a kiss on my temple. I finally look up to see Mr. Weasley holding me holding me tightly.

I look down one final time to see the pale, lifeless face of the boy I love before burying myself back into the darkness.

-4 months later-

"Who decapitated Nearly Headless Nick!" Filch came crying into the Great Hall, waving his arms up to signal. He ran up to the front of the room, yelling as he approached the new headmistress, McGonagall. 

"What are you on about?" McGonagall questions as Filch begins to explain. 

"He just rode out of Hogwarts with no head! Said he gave thanks to ever did it and said he was going to join the Headless Hunt!" He yells.

Ginny Weasley was sitting at the Gryffindor table, watching as the scene went down.

"He's gone! Someone has decapitated him! We have to find the culprit!" Filch went on and on, waving his hands around in crazy movements.

"Can you believe this guy? Still a bit loony, I say." A voice comes from beside Ginny, causing her to jump at the recognization of the voice.

"Geor-" Ginny turns, expecting to see her brother, George. He had gone away to France with Angelina, which confused her even further. Why would George be at Hogwarts?

"Fred?" The small girl feels her heart drop to her stomach as she sees her bother, her dead brother, sat next to her with a smirk. Tears spring to her eyes as she tries to get out words, "Fre- How? What are you doing here? You're..."

"Dead?" Fred questions with a laugh as his sister sat with confusion. "Yup, I'm still dead. But I guess since someone offed Nick's head, I'm the new ghost for Gryffindor." Ginny was sat in shock, tears springing to her eyes as she looked up at him with a wide grin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2018 ⏰

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