Chapter 21 - Flection

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when you opened your eyes again, you saw a bright light hovering above you. you need a minute to adjust your eyes to be able to figure out that it was a light on a white ceiling. you get up slowly and scanned your surrounding, by the typical high, single bed and the metal cabinet around you, you assumed you were in a hospital room. The door was opened, and from there you could see people in a green uniform scrambled out the room. You jumped out of the bed and making your way toward the door.

Outside the door was an empty hallway, except the hall to your right. You can see a man wearing the same green uniform as the people leaving the room, seemingly a doctor. he was talking to someone, no, some people, three people. Your lips bloom into a smile as you can recognize them as your parent and Daichi. You were glad to see Daichi stood on his own feet. You did it, You change the future. you saved him. 

You stepped closer to them as the doctor finished talking, he turned on his heels becoming face to face with you. His gaze on the ground as he kept on walking and walking, and passed through you. You gasped loudly as your mouth hanging ajar. You looked down at your body and it looked translucent, you can see the floor tiles beneath you. you've become invisible from everyone's eyes. You know your heart supposedly beating wildly right now, but oddly, you can't even feel it beating inside your chest. 

Then you looked at your parent, your mother's legs have given away, she was wailing on the hospital floor. Your dad crouched down and hugged her tightly, tears streaming silently on his cheeks. Never in their life, they thought they will bury their child, even before their parents.

Behind them, Daichi has turned on his heels and staggered away. After three steps, he looked like giving up. He leaned his side against the wall before slid down and dropped to his knees, burying his face in his palm. Daichi cried as if his heart has been shredded. Pain flowed from his chest to every vein of his body. His whole world has shattered like a fragile vase falling into a marble floor, the ground beneath him felt like disappear and he was swallowed in the darkness and what's left was only the image of you in the back of his mind, the image that will slowly fade away. The pain he felt was aching so bad, he knew he will never be the same.

"Mom, Dad..." your sister, Yuri came panting, "how is she?"

Her eyes darting wildly between your parent and Daichi, seemingly understand the situation. Her eyes welling up as she stepped closer to them.

"Dad..." She whispered and tears finally spilled from her eyes. Your Dad looked at her with sorrow in his eyes and Yuri started to choke, "s-she's okay, right?"

Your father shook his head slowly,

"Tell me she's okay..." Yuri sobbed, then She began to yelled after your father stayed silent, "why aren't you answering me!?" 

"Yuri--" your father whispered but she cut him,

"Forget it! I'll ask her myself! Where is she?" Her head whipped everywhere vigorously until it stopped at the opened door. She stormed toward it but come to a halt right before she stepped into the room. Her hands shoot up to cover her mouth. You stepped behind her and gasped lightly when you see yourself laying in the hospital bed, a white sheet covering your body from your collarbone to your toes. You looked like you were just sleeping peacefully, except that your chest no longer heaving, your heart no longer pumping the blood to every inch of your body.

Yuri squatted down in the doorway. She fully covering her face with both hands, crying until her body shook violently.

"Oh Yuri..." you whispered.

Then you heard multiple footsteps sounded in the hall, your friends coming in running. Kouhei, Tatsu, and Aya. The three of them walking confusedly passing Daichi and your parent, and toward Yuri then rooted in their place once they saw your body. After a short second, Aya started to cry on Tatsu's chest. Tatsu tried to be strong but his lips quiver and tears rolled down his cheeks. Kouhei walked into the room, his face unreadable, he stared widely and looked lost. 

"This is a lie, right?" He whispered, "you're just joking right (F/n)?"

You could feel a tingling in your shoulder as Kouhei shook your cold body, "oi... (F/n), you can wake up now",

"(F/n)!--" He then sank down to the floor, one hand gripping the side of your bed to stabilize himself, "--please wake up" he sobbed.

All you could do only stood and stared. you bite down on your lip trying not to burst into tears at this cruel reality, watching the people you loved one by one falling into despair.

After several minutes, your father helping your mother to got up from the floor while Aya helping Yuri. Tatsu assisted Daichi, he threw Daichi's arm over his shoulder to help him standing because his legs keep failing, and crumpled on the floor for a couple of times. Kouhei following quietly, his gaze empty and stuck on the white tiles of the hospital floor.

The nurse closing the door of the room where your body lied, and you thought there's no point in staying here. You follow them to the parking lot, the sky already dark and the air getting chilly, it becomes eerier because nobody says anything. your parent and Yuri got into your parent's car while Tatsu brings Daichi to his car. You contemplated which one of them you're going to follow, but you thought your family has each other and you were more concerned with Daichi so you followed him into Tatsu's car. You sat in the back seat between Aya and Kouhei, they both staring out the window while Daichi seat in the passenger seat. The ride was quiet until the car stopped in front of Daichi's house. Tatsu about to get out from the car when Daichi spoke,

"It's okay--" said Daichi as he got out from the car, "--I'll be fine"

Daichi walked into his house weakly and straight into his room, ignoring his mother who asked him concern questions.

"I'm tired, I'm going to bed," he said before locking himself in his room.

You followed him without anyone noticed. Daichi sat in his bed then leaning against the bed headboard. You notice there's a bandage on his forehead and a visible bruise bellow it--right on the cheekbone, he was got hurt when you pushed him out of the way this afternoon. 

Your heart sank down to your toes as you saw him looked barely alive. He was motionless as his eyes stared far. Daichi could feel no life within himself as he realized this bitter fate has been sealed. Tears rolling down from his swollen eyes again, it looked like he doesn't aware of it because he still not moving.

You stood there watching him for hours until he finally lied down. Daichi thought maybe this is all just a nightmare that will disappear when he woke up tomorrow and he will be seeing you sitting in your seat in your class like always. You would stared out the window but turned your head toward the hall and then smile to him when he walked by, as though you could feel his presence without fail every single time.

Daichi closed his eyes and traveled fast into his deep subconscious where he could find you laughing heartily and your eyes locked into his own and not looking the other way as though he was the last man standing on earth. 

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