...and what are you going to do about it.

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The doorbell goes again. Me and Erik walk up to the door and Erik opens it. It's Joshua. He punches Erik in the face. Blood everywhere. I panic. I cry and I want revenge.
Joshua runs off. I shout "you f*cking pr*ck." he shouts back. And what are you gonna do about it.

I scramble for my phone out of my pocket. I immediately dial 911. And I explain what happens. The emergency services get here and he was rushed to hospital. The paramedics explain to me that he's gonna have to stay in there for more than a night so it's best for me to pack and head over. I kiss Erik and off they went. The police get here and I had to give a statement. Unlucky for Joshua, I have CCTV everywhere in my house. I show the police. I told them what I knew and they left. I call my pap rents, sister and Kory. My parents couldn't come down nor Kory but Rachel rushed down. I head upstairs packing in a hurry so I can get to the hospital quicker. I finish and then hoped to god I got everything. Rachel rings me saying she outside and she take us to the hospital.

Our journey to the hospital was tense. I couldn't stop thinking about Erik. We arrive to LA hospital. I rush in whilst Rachel finds a car park and pays.

I get to the receptionist and ask which room Erik Stockton is in.
Receptionist: first of all who even are you.
Me: umm I'm his girlfriend.
Receptionist: I need proof
Me: I show a picture of me, Erik and Bella
Receptionist: awww. Room 9

I run to room 9. Open the door with my free hand with a nurse cleaning the blood. I ask if anything bad has happened. She tells my to take a seat. I did not take my eyes of Erik. She explains that he has and extremely broken nose. He needs surgery to put it back in place. But it's not that simple. When he was punched, they did it at quite force. As you may of saw he lost an immense amount of blood. A worry amount of blood. The doctors have done tests to see if he has enough blood to carry through this surgery. It's very rear not to carry out the surgery so don't worry. We've seen worse. She leaves as I just stare into an empty corner. I completely forgot about Rachel so I text her the room number. She walks in. I explain what happened. She said she can't stay for long. About 2 ours later Erik wakes up. He had a confused face. I was
prayed to god he remembers everything.

Erikleen»» 5 years later Where stories live. Discover now