...and i want revenge

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Erik POV

I finish my emails and then I start to head of to bed. I hear crying. I checked on Bella but she was fast asleep. I walk into mine and Colleens room and she was sat on the bed balling her eyes out. I ask her what's wrong. She can't speak because she's crying to much. She hands
me her
phone. I look and it's a trending Hashtag. #ColleenBallingerisbackwithJoshuaEvans. Words finally pour out of her mouth. She says before anything it's not true. I know for a fact it's not true. He's a nasty Man. I scroll through the tweets spotting that Joshua has tweeted about this. It says

Joshua Evans @joshuadtown
#ColleenBallingerisbackwithJoshuaEvans. Haha 100% not true. I would never go back with such an ugly, anorexic bitch. Dream on sister!

I'm so tempted to reply but I know it will cause even more drama.

Colleen POV

I can't believe what Joshua did. How dare he. I'm the bitch in the situation?¿ Who went round on instagram calling my fans "little girls trying to defend a witch". Who called my fan a arsehole when she asked to have a picture but wasn't aloud because she had my merch on. I'm sick of him. I cruel cruel man. He's a manipulating twat.

Erik puts down the phone and said not to worry. We fall asleep.


Both me and Erik wake Bella up for school. She jumps up cleans her teeth and gets dressed. Every Tuesday she gets to wear whatever she wants. Today she picks a pink top with red leggings! I know! It clashed. We gulp down our breakfast and I get bellas bag ready. As soon as I was done the door bell goes. It's Jessica. She's ready to pick Bella up. She also mentions she saw josh down the street. I took no notice in it. I kiss Bella goodbye and gave her her lunch box. I close the door. For about an hour me and Erik cleaned the house top to bottom. Also jamming away to some tunes. The doorbell
goes again. Me and Erik walk up to the door and Erik opens it. It's Joshua. He punches Erik i the face. Blood everywhere. I panic. I cry and I want revenge

Erikleen»» 5 years later Where stories live. Discover now