Chapter 10:

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"Tae, are you okay? You look really sick." Jungkook asked his best friend while sitting at the lunch table. Taehyung stared down at his lunch in disgust, feeling sick just looking at it. "Yeah, I'm okay. I just forgot to take my medicine earlier when I woke up. I also forgot to bring it with me because, I woke up kind of late and was in a rush." Taehyung explained then pushed his lunch tray away, then he rested his head down on his arms. "Well, why don't you go to the nurse and, just lay down for a bit or have Yoongi take you home. He should be able to drop you off there and come back before this period ends." Taehyung nodded then stood up. He walked away, not even saying goodbye to Jungkook. He just quietly walked to Yoongis classroom where the man was eating his lunch and typing up some things on his laptop.

"Yoongi, take me home." Taehyung whined and sat in the chair across from Yoongis desk. "Why, what's wrong?" Yoongi looked up and took his glasses off. He closed his laptop and let out a sigh. "I forgot to take the medicine that keeps me from getting sick. I can't even eat my lunch. I just want to go home and rest." Taehyung whined and Yoongi stood up, walking over to the younger man. "Okay, but I can't stay home with you. I have to come back since I still have classes to teach." Yoongi said as he took Taehyungs backpack for him. Taehyung stood up and sighed as he ran his fingers through his own hair. "I know, I'm just going to sleep the whole time anyways so, you can wake me up when you get back." Taehyung explained then walked into the empty and quiet halls before quickly running out the door, Yoongi following. The two carefully made it to his car, making sure no one saw them. Taehyung leaned back in his seat and sighed as he closed his eyes. Yoongi tossed the younger mans backpack into the backseat before driving off.




Taehyung walked into the kitchen while Yoongi grabbed his backpack, and put it on the couch in the living room. Just as Taehyung was taking his pill, the older male walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around the smaller mans waist. "Alright baby, I have to go back to school so I can make it before the next class starts. If you need anything, just text me, I'll have my phone on the whole time and if it's an emergency, call instead of texting." He said while hugging his boyfriend, not wanting to leave him in the house alone. Afraid something bad will happen to him. "Okay Yoongi, I think I'll be fine. I'm just going to lay in bed and watch a movie until I fall asleep. Don't worry." He says to reassure Yoongi while he turned in the mans grip and hugged him back. Yoongi gave Taehyung a kiss on the cheek then turned to leave but, he stopped himself. He walked back over to Taehyung and knelt down in front of him. Taehyung was confused but, that expression soon turned into a big smile and a giggle when Yoongi lifted the mans shirt and placed a kiss on his very little bump.

The older man stood back up to kiss Taehyungs lips then turned to leave. "I love you both. Remember to call if there's an emergency." Yoongi shouted but, Taehyung was to busy smiling to answer back. The petite man lifted his shirt up just enough to reveal his tanned skin and smiled again before giggling and placing his small hands on his little bump. "Daddy is such an amazing person, he takes such good care of me so I know he'll do the same for you too." Taehyung continued talking to the little baby in his belly as he made his way to Yoongis room. He stripped down to his pastel pink panties before getting all snug under the warm blankets, then he picked up the remote to find a movie to watch. Since there wasn't anything on that really interested Taehyung, he turned off the television and got up to turn the radio on instead, keeping it at a low volume but, when he got back into bed he began feeling needy and groaned since Yoongi wasn't there. The man picked up his phone and decided to text Yoongi.

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