Part 37- I'm ready!

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Joe's POV

It's been a week since the stabbing ordeal and my shoulder is starting to heal, but i'm nervous constantly nervous about leaving Rachel. That could have been her! I've stayed it her's since I got out of hospital. I love being with her but I also need to protect her! 

It was just me and Rachel in the flat tonight; Erin was staying at Jack's for the night. It was after midnight, Rachel and I were lying in bed, watching Brooklyn Nine Nine (A/N- ONE OF MY FAV SHOWS AT THE MOMENT!) Every few minutes, I gave her a kiss on the head and hugging her with my arm around her. This time, as I kissed her head, she kissed my lips. I kissed back and I started to get heated. She was on top of me and I was kissing her neck, with her letting out little moans of pleasure. 

Rachel's POV

Joe and I's kisses were getting heated. I was ready! I just knew it! It's not that it's my first time having sex, but it will be my first time having sex with Joe. I trust him with my life, I'm ready to do this! I broke the kiss.

"Joe, i'm ready!" I said. 

"You sure?!" he asked, smirking. I swear to god, that smirk just turns me on ten times more!

"Yeah!" I smiled. 

We started kissing more, before I knew it, our clothes were off. I'm not the most confident with my body, I still have faint bruises from when Harvey abused me. I tried to cover my body with my arms and Joe noticed me looking at the bruises. 

"Hey" he said, unfolding me arms. "You don't have to be self conscious around me. Those bruises weren't your fault!"

"But they're still there!" I said. "They make me look ugly." Joe kissed the bruises on my stomach, before coming back to my face.

"You'd never be ugly!" he said and our kisses deepend. "Wait, what about protection?!"

I opened the drawer next to me and pulled out a condom. 

"Erin?!" Joe asked, laughing.

"Yep!" I laughed. "She said for when the time is right!"

"Do you think the time is right?!" Joe asked, smirking which made my stomach flutter with pleasure. 

"There's never been a time more right!" I said, smiling. 

Our kisses grew more passionate and you know what happened next..... 


I woke up with Joe's arms around me. I remembered last night and felt amazing! And then I realised for the first time in my life, I'm happy in a relationship. Truly happy! With someone I truly love!

End of part 37

Authors note:

Hi guys! Well that was heated! Thanks for all the love and support and I love you all! Well, until next time!

Rachel x 

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