Part 52- Hit!

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Joe's POV

Another two weeks had passed. Rachel has been missing for a month! A whole month! The police were starting to lose hope. But I couldn't, for Rachel! I was staying at Zoe and Alfie's, they also remained hopeful. 

I decided to go out for another drive, see if I can find Rachel. I couldn't give up! I'll never give up!

"Where're you going?!" Zoe asked me as I was just about to leave the house.

"On another drive!" I answered.

"I'll come!" Zoe said. We said bye to Alfie and left. 

We were driving a long road, passing house after house. Rachel has to be somewhere! But where?!

Rachel's POV

For the past few days Harvey has left me untied. I didn't bother trying to escape; he'd just hurt me even more! But this time Harvey left the house. This was the first time he left the house since he kidnapped me. 

As soon as I heard him drive away, I leapt up. I needed to escape. I started to kick the door but it was no use, it wouldn't budge! Then I thought, the chair is still in the room. What other choice do I have?! I picked up the chair and threw it off the door. It worked! I could get out! I ran out the room and got to the front door. As I suspected, it was locked. I searched around the room and then thought, the chair worked last time, what other choice have I got?! Instead of the door, I threw a kitchen chair off the window. It smashed! I crawled out the window. 

"Arghhhhhhh!" I screamed as the broken glass pierced my skin. But I couldn't stop. I was finally free! I noticed there were no other houses around. Just a forest. No wonder no one found me. I needed to run! I ran and ran through the forest, screaming and screaming for help. I reached a nearby road, I was halfway through running across it when a heavy blow hit me. Pain raced through my body, before I was knocked into unconsciousness.... 

Joe's POV 

Zoe and I were driving along, where out of nowhere, someone ran out on the road. By the time I braked, it was too late!

"Oh my god!" Zoe screamed. 

We raced out the car and were shocked by what we saw. 

It was Rachel!

I'd. Just. Hit. Rachel!

End of part 52

Authors note:

Hi guys! Well, until next time!

Rachel x 

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