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I cringe at the way she shouts my name. I don't even have to turn to see who it is;its Sam,my best friend.

"Bella!" She says again,her voice growing angrier by the second.
Maybe its because I'm trying my best to ignore her;who knows?

"Bella!" She says again once she's close enough to say my name without having to scream it for the whole school to hear.

"What?" I say,pretending I don't know it's her,"Oh,hey Sam."

She rolls her eyes,pulling out a chair to sit next to me. This is the only class we have together and it's just my luck that it's the worst subject ever; calculus.

"I have been calling you for over an hour!" She says somewhat angrily and I roll my eyes at her extreme exaggeration.

"Oh, I'm sorry" I say "I couldn't hear you, some obnoxiously loud person was shouting my name"

She giggles and gives me a hug. "I've missed you" she says, releasing  me from her hug to look at me.

"I've missed you too" I say, really meaning it. Sam was my best friend in the truest sense of the phrase,she had always been there for Me.
Although she was crazy at times ,she was a really great person.

"Of course you have" she says,straightening up as the teacher comes in,"you were lost without me"

I give her a nudge on her arm before bringing out my notes.
First day of school...yay!
*note the sarcasm*


The day speeds by quickly,and before I know it,the final bell goes off.
I always go to the school theatre after school cos I'm pretty much crazy about art ,its a passion.
Seriously!I do dancing,painting ,writing and above all; acting.

I get to the theatre and dump my things on the floor...its pretty much my second home .

"Eleanor!" I call,searching for our theatre arts teacher,Mrs bridge. I only call her Eleanor cos she insisted.

"Ah, Isabella" she gives me a hug " so nice to see you again"

"You too Eleanor".
We had gotten pretty close over the years. Once she realized my  blazing passion for theatre arts,she immediately took me as her daughter,not surprising cos she has none;five boys and no girl,I almost feel sorry for her.

" I have great news for you" She says, bubbling with excitment.

"What is it?" I ask. I always loved her surprises.

" Not what"she says,earning a raised brow from me,"who"

"OK then who?" I ask, wondering how a person could interest me in anyway.

"No,no" she says with a shake of her head,"I won't want to ruin your surprise"

Hmmm.....I wonder.

After we exchange goodbyes,I leave Eleanor to her life. Sam is waiting for me.

"Hey!" She said as soon as I was within ear shot.

Thank God she didn't shout this time.

"you just had to go see
mom,didn't you?

"Jealous?" I say,getting into her car after her.

"Well....considering I had time to see Jake,not really."

Jake is her boyfriend.
Considering he's an asshole,I don't really see what she sees in him....or what the other girls do for that matter.But who am I to judge?

I roll my eyes in disgust and she giggles. She puts on a song on and begins to drive,bobbing her head up and down to the song.

I look out the window and focus on the road,this is a quiet place.....too quiet at times.

Once Sam is  out of sight,I unlock the door and enter my house...home sweet home.
With my brother no where in sight to bother me,I quickly make my way up stairs.

Flopping down on my bed, I look up at the ceiling..wondering who the surprise was.
Maybe a new student, but it wouldn't be of any interest to me ,though,that's Madison's problem. If it was a new student, it better be a girl...boys were too many at school.I hope she'll be nice,we could even be friends.

With that,I slept off, not even bothering to change.


A/N:Hey guys!
This is probably the shortest most boringest chapter you've ever read, I'm soo  sorry...I'm still new at this writing thing.I mean I love reading but writing?phew!
Pls pls pls give this book a chance..I'm not promising perfection but I'll do my best.
This is your story tho,feel free to criticise...buh don't make me feel too bad

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