Chapter 4 - Timber and Wood

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Hello, my dears!

Another update for you - it's mostly in Jon's POV. Hope you will enjoy it. He is trying to make sense of things so his thoughts are a bit erradic (it's meant that way). See footnote for more details. I am also thinking of the title of the chapter... Innitially it was planned as "Snow day" but hms, I wanted to make it more provocative (read the chapter and let me know if you come up with a better name for this chapter and I will dedicate it to you!).




Chapter 4 – Timber and Wood



"I am bored!" Jonathan announced from the kitchen as soon as he finished his breakfast.

Avery had already retreated into the living area following the last clash of their wits. She wasn't exactly pouting in there, but Jon knew he had successfully rattled her to the point where she willingly decided to retreat, even if that meant accepting defeat. Contrary to what he initially thought, he didn't feel smug or proud of himself that he had finally asserted his dominance over her and her household. He even wondered what had possessed him to act like the ass, that she had rightfully claimed him to be.

What he knew was that he did feel attracted to her and tried to impress her, even thank her, but it all went down the drain the moment that he opened his mouth. The words simply started coming out wrong. So horridly wrong! Instead of the thanks and appreciation for her cooking that he was planning on giving, he had managed to get her flustered. He couldn't even excuse his behavior as being forward or blunt. He knew he had been flat out rude.

His wolf didn't help matters either. The bastard was constantly pushing lustful ideas into his head. True, she had a nice body that he wouldn't mind feeling over, under or ever which way. However, Jonathan was not a newly shifted pup who would snap at a she-wolf, because of his own frustration with his horny wolf. Controlling the urges from the animal within was the first thing that a pup learned. Then respect and equilibrium came. You had to be one with your wolf, or risk losing it all.

There was no simple guide or rehab program when it came to rejected wolves. Something deep within you was severed with the rejection. You were broken - dead on the inside. Your wolf will lash out and then slowly dissipate until you are left a shell of the person that you once were.

Even though Jonathan had managed to talk to Vanessa before he had left to warn the Kincaids, no amount of conversation was going to prepare him for the loneliness and bitterness he lived to experience. With every single day, the unvarnished truth left a tart taste – he had lost his soul mate, his other half.

They were no more.

You are rejected. You will never be the same.

It was as brutal as it could get.


Even if there were any self-help books to deal with grief, Jon bet that only few Pack Doctors had any experience on the matter. He could only think of one that had actually handled Vanessa's case - Dr. Garvan, who was technically Pack Law ER doc. He had put his job on the line by helping Joel and Jon handle Vanessa, whenever they had to go on a mission. Jon had always suspected that the good doctor had consoled her in more than one way.

His eyes snapped at the red head in the other room. She was not the one to blame for his outburst however cunning she had proven to be. The problem stemmed from the blond that had chosen another!

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