Chapter 7 - Fight Club

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Chapter 7 - Fight Club

dedicated to @theoneandonlydaddyz - thanks for the mean Tiramisu recipe ( it was absolutely delish!) and for supporting my work! I am so glad I have you as a reader! xoxo

(picture on the side - Avery's outfit)



Spending the last couple of days locked away in a cottage with Jon had been nothing short of an adventure. It wasn't the constant bickering that made his stay so tangible. What captivated her interest were the strong character he projected and the way that he handled. True, he was angry, but he had managed to keep it together, even when she all but provoked him to lose his cool. It was remarkable to even comprehend the level of control he had on his wolf to successfully integrate back into a human environment without accidental shifts. Yes, there were some outbursts of anger and bumps down the road, but he never shifted forms unintentionally. In the daytime, he would irritate her to no end, only to curl in his wolf form to sleep by her side. Even if she was still pissed off at the man, she could hardly blame the wolf. It surprised her to discover that his intimidating bravado has been nothing but a show; a proof that barking dogs did not bite - they were just irritatingly loud! Jon's roar, growl or snarl were mere sound-effect and held no malice. He was a softie underneath it all. Who else would revert back to wolf form to snuggle with her all night long?

While her brain acknowledged the need for his wolf to roam free and hunt, the selfish little person in her wanted him to continue to stay indoors under her watchful eye. Avery was sure that the Royal Guards would be more than elated to accidentally stumble upon her. That would be highly volatile and Avery still didn't know how much she could rely on Jon for help in sticky situation like that. Choosing to leave those worrisome thoughts for another time, Avery focused her thoughts on Jon and his recovery.

Shifting between the two forms had been essential to counter his mood swings and speed his acceptance of whatever happened to him in the past to push him into staying in his wolf from for six months. Staying locked in only one form wasn't healthy for neither parts – human or wolf. Moreover, it had proven to be dangerous, judging by what little experience that she had with the pups in her pack. The wolf became restless if he was not let out regularly and made the man uncharacteristically impulsive and confrontational. The human could easily dissipate if trapped in the body of a wolf. Then the wolf would go berserk without the sanity and direction that the human mind provided.

Avery was exceptionally proud of the progress that Jon showed. He managed to control his form with a precision that eluded even her at times! If she had woken up spooned by his naked body, she would have not been able to idly stand and not take advantage of his outstanding offer. She was attracted to him, even more so to the adorable grey wolf that was keeping guard while she slept. If only he realized she slept ten times easier, knowing that she was not alone in the cottage, she wouldn't hear the end of it!

Making it in the top 20 most wanted by Pack Law and The Royal Guard was doing a number on her nerves. At least with the Rogue watching over her sleep, his keen senses would pick up any intruder. He was her guard dog! She half expected him to fuzz about his new title, but surprisingly he never even uttered the casual, frustrated growl when she called his wolf so.

Her cooking must have been wicked awesome if it had been enough to bribe and surprisingly buy his loyalty and protectiveness over her. Yes, she did recognize his protective stand next to her or his slight possessiveness whenever they talked. He was never forceful in his opinions but gave her a run for her money whenever they disagreed with each other.

His boat was surely easily rocked by things that she would let slip, but he never shifted mid-argument. She had seen pups flicker between the two forms with much less provocation.

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