Chapter 1: Introduction

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Chapter 1: Introduction

It was a quiet night. No traffic, no city noises, not even crickets were chirping.

Phil Lester was walking back to his apartment he shared with his brother after going out on a late night snack run, the bags in his arms feeling heavier than they were supposed to due to the sleepiness and drowsiness weighing down his eyelids.

Phil made his way up 4 flights of stairs, dragging his feet the whole way and stood in front of his apartment door, he reached his pale hand down to turn the spherical doorknob, the metal feels cold on his hand and it sends chills up his spine.

Something feels wrong. Phil cautiously twists the knob and pushes open the creaky door, the sound is almost deafening compared to the silence around him.

He sets down the bags lazily by the door and takes off his shoes, he can see the television on in the living room and for some reason is doesn't calm his nerves.

Phil takes a few nervous steps towards the living room entrance and peers in.

His world stops, he can't hear anything but the noise of a sharp blade being pulled out of his own brothers stomach.

Quick and short breaths are the only indication that he is still alive. Suddenly the man Phil didn't pay attention to before looks up at him.

His eyes are dark brown and without any emotion. The man's pink lips are turned upward into a sick and twisted smile. The man then turns and steps out of the window and down the metal fire escape.

The face is engraved into his mind forever, he can remember each and every freckle, every blemish, every curve of his face.

Phil runs towards his bleeding out brother and kneels beside him. The blood from martyns wounds drip out from in between phils trembling fingers and the red liquid stains the light beige carpets.

Tears escape phils eyes when martyns breaths get shorter and shorter each second until there is no more.

Everything is silent, the only sounds are of his own weeping.

Having to talk about his own brothers murderer wasn't easy, it was a long and painful process that phil had to endure over the course of 8 months.

Soon after martyns painful death phil meets dan.

It was lonely and quiet morning, phil has moved out of his apartment and back with his parents for the time being. He walks calmly through the vacant streets of his hometown to the local family run coffee shop a few blocks away from his own home.

Sometimes phil wishes that his town was more active because then he could focus on something other than his own thoughts. He wishes it wasn't so quiet all the time.

The scent of coffee fills his senses and the dark thoughts that were once jabbing at his heart and mind were swept away by the owners greeting phil.Phil orders a coffee and a blueberry muffin and then takes a seat next to the condensated window. He sips at the still scalding hot water tenderly, careful not to burn his lips.

Soon someone sits across from phil and he looks up.

“it looked like you were a bit lonely, my name is Dan”

Phil stares at the stranger in bewilderment and immediately recognizes him as a famous model and musician, he is known for wearing a mask no matter what he's doing or where he his. He's mysterious and nobody knows what he truly looks like other than his close family, and that's what people find so endearing about him.

They talk to each other for awhile and Dan finds out many things about phil. He finds the ebony haired male interesting and wants to know more about him.

They exchange numbers after Dan telling phil not to tell anyone else his personal phone number and they went their separate ways.

They meet several more times over the course of 4 months until dan asks phil to be his boyfriend, of course the feeling was mutual and phils says yes.

Everything was great for awhile, Dan distracted phil from the thoughts of his dead brother and helped him recover without actually knowing about phil ever even having a brother.

Phil was content with his life at the moment, he loved him boyfriend, he was financially stable and his parents didn't have to worry about him anymore. Everything was perfect except for one thing, and that was Dan's masks.

Dan always wore masks in public and phil understood why. Dan just wanted to keep his identity a secret to the public because of privacy reasons, but that still doesn't explain why he won't show phil.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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