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Craig pulled from the sobbing other, now fully realizing what he did. He could not believe what he did to this poor kid. His old friend. The brunette was laying on the ground, balling his eyes out. He talked about how weak he felt and how Craig changed. The Craig he knew never would have done something this cruel. Everything about him was different, but the thing that got him the most was the demonic way that he acted out. It was bestial. It was savage; he went savage right then and there. The lovable, sweet pastor had changed into an animal.

Craig blinked at him, scoffing at the body below. He had no empathy for Kevin. His morals slipped out of his hand, like a slippery bar of soap. It was not absent from his mind. Common sense seemed less 'common' now. The thing that controlled Craig was stronger than anyone could have ever imagined. It was able to ravage his body, making him unable to control himself on anybody functions other than consciousness. The spell had been cast, so to speak. Craig was controlled by the witchcraft of an imp, and he had no knowledge of it. He was aware of what he did, but his face showed nothing. He was a blank slate. The raven had no emotion whatsoever.

The crying of Kevin only continued to fill the hallway, and Craig could not help but get angered. Or rather the little imp in his head. He gritted his teeth, throwing his foot into the stomach of the other, kicking him not once or twice, but thrice. Each and every time made the weak male even more in pain. He groaned, crying as his entire body was sore and exhausted. He was crying, but no screams or verbal words could come out. He almost was unable to make noises anymore. Kevin looked sickly.

"Shut up! Shut it you sinner!" He bent down, grabbing onto the other's neck, ringing it. "If you so much as speak one word of this then you will be dead. I will not hesitate to do it."

He growled a lot at this point, picking up Kevin and threw him over his shoulder. As much as the evidence of this taboo nature being exposed to the public pleasured the imps heart, he knew that this was not the time for Craig to be caught. He had plans with his little pet. Tweek had weakened this mortal, and now he was his pet. He planned on enjoying it to the fullest. With his body, Tweek had a second chance at life and boy was he going to enjoy it. And with a perfect alibi, he was sure to get away with everything. The joy that this brought him, and when Craig eventually passed he would hopefully have caused enough chaos that he gets another human. And another. And so on.

The imp brought both Craig and Kevin into the pastor's quarters, not going back to the youth group to tell them that he was busy. If he did that would raise way more suspicious than his brilliant excuse of 'I am having uncomfortable bowel movements'. This was a plausible statement.

Today was the day, the imp decided. He was going to reveal himself to Craig as his true imp body. Or at least, half of the beast body that he was. If he was going to show Craig who, or what he was then he would want to be somewhere secluded. He did not want to kill somebody. He was filled up with sin and would need not feast for a few days. Then he could rip someone's throat out.

In order to reveal himself, Tweek heaved the light body of Kevin off of Craig's shoulder and onto the bed, ignoring the menacing squeaks that came from both the mattress along with Kevin's mouth. They were light, but still noises. He would have to fix that so Kevin wouldn't give them away. Again, he was not yearning for any more devious acts. As fine as harming others was, and playing not so affable pranks on others, he had his fix.

Thrown on the bed, Kevin whimpered and clung desperately to a pillow. He felt so helpless and weak. Of course, Tweek could care less about that. The imp found this to be all too bittersweet. Two childhood lovers meet again, and with a plot twist of a spawn of hell toying with the two of them. It was destined to be a best seller. He forced Craig's body over to his dresser, grabbing a pair of socks, and then shoved the clean socks into Kevin's small, aching mouth. He hummed, delighted.

The sock was only meant to hush the male some, but a little noise was certainly possible from escaping. It was not like that was a big deal, seeing how much power he was then this meek man-boy. Honestly.

It was finally time to leave the itty bitty working space that Tweek had in Craig's body. As much as he loved it, it was crammed and sweaty. He needed better ventilation. Maybe he could get him some cheek gauges, or at least some piercings. Then again, that would throw off his good looking demeanor. Tweek shook the thought out of his head, crawling out of the others head, popping himself onto the shoulder of the other. He hummed at the air that smelled of sweat, thanks to the hog he was standing on. Then again, he did just screw someone. He supposed that he wouldn't punish his pet for that.

Tweek hopped off of the other's shoulder, immediately changing himself into his normal size, a devious smirk on his face. Craig now had no recollection of any of the past events, and he was about to see for the first time ever Tweek in his true form. His clawed feet hit the ground, it makes a loud thud as he did so. The claws gripped at the hardwood flooring, chipping it almost immediately since his claws were like talons. It was something that gave him pride.

He poked the other's shoulder with his hands, being half imp rather than full. He did find the upper part of a man much more attractive than that of an imp's. As his hand fell onto Craig's shoulder, the taller turned to face Tweek with a horrified expression on his face. Immediately it drained, and he stumbled over his feet. He could have sworn that he didn't take any drugs. Why was this creature here? This could not be real. The more he looked, and the less blurred his vision came from shock, he realized that the face belonged to Tweek. He gasped, literally crashing his back into the wall. The pastor reached his hand behind him, trying to hold himself up as his legs went weak.

"Tweek what the-"

"I know, cool right?!" Tweek exclaimed with a soft chuckle, his cheeks heating as he looked to Craig and how frightened he was. It was very precious. "Believe it or not, but this is real."

"No." Craig shook his head defiantly, not wanting to admit that this was true. This being was not real, this was all a dream. A nightmare, rather. He was transfixed by this inhuman being. He had did not even glance to Kevin, unaware of him. This was much more important than some half passed out Asian boy. Craig scanned at the beast, not looking at anything else.

He stood at about 5'2, being rather short as imps are small beings. In addition to his very below average height, the creature had two little spikes poking out of his head. They were incredibly small, maybe a little longer than two thumbnails. They were a crimson color, with a faint white tippage. They were also curved inward some and had the formation of new spikes growing off of it. Craig's eyes drifted down more, to his eyes. They were not the usual green shade that he was used to seeing. Or hazel. He was unable to even recall what color they even were. This was stealing all of his attention. His eyes were a gentle pink, with cat-like pupils. His whites were practically nonexistent. Maybe it was more lizard like than cat. More alligator, perhaps. Craig was better with space, not biology.

The eyes and horns were noticeable, but that was not the only oddity. To the side of his face were elven like ears, pointed at the tip. They went a little pink the further up to the tip that you got, and it was not much of a human ear, it was like a hybrid of man and rabbit, really. Down his eyes traveled, watching as fine hairs started in between his biceps, and down to his feet. It was silken red fur, and finally at the very bottom of it all were a monstrous set of claws for feet. They were like an eagle. Just looking at the claws, one could see just how powerful they must be.



And that was when it hit him; he was face to face with a spawn of the devil.

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