Pain in the...

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- pain in the . . . -

. . .

Vanitas spat out a long string of obscenities, albeit quietly.

He was hiding in some stupid corner of that stupid world filled with stupid, pretty flowers and called some stupid, girly name that he would've never bothered to learn had that old man not sent him there.

He cursed some more.

Freaking... freaking girl! That dumb girl named Aqua beat me into the ground! Me! She's just some stupid girl in love with the idea of pure light everywhere, blinding everyone. What's wrong with darkness, huh? Darkness gives you power, a lot of it.

Didn't she see it in that battle? How many close calls she had because of the power of darkness?

Well, she'll see. She'll definitely see, when her beloved Terra and Ventus are destroyed by her "accursed" darkness.

Vanitas stood there for a moment, fist resting against the stone from a punch he didn't even realize he had thrown.

He forced himself to calm down. This wouldn't do, especially if the old man saw him like this. Xehanort didn't like loss of control. If he kept bursting into rage from simply losing a fight, the old man would toss him aside like a piece of trash. Because he had turned into a "liability."

Gritting his teeth to stop the otherwise steady flow of cursing, Vanitas instead concentrated on the next battle he would have with Aqua. He needed to improve. Another loss wouldn't make the old man very happy. Besides, he was doing this for himself.

The darkness gave him power. But it came at a price, and having a heart of pure darkness was painful. Vanitas had to suffer, day after day, of feeling something, anything, that would spout out another one of those stupid Unversed. And every time one of them was destroyed, that feeling would return, except even stronger, and it would be painful. That would create more feeling, which in turn would create more Unversed, which would then eventually get destroyed. It was an endless cycle of suffering. Even now, more appeared in Radiant Garden because of his rage.

But Ventus didn't have to go through that, did he? No, he got to live a life filled to the brim with bright, happy innocence and joy and those stupid friends of his. No pain. Nothing like his.

Terra and Aqua. Now they got onto his nerves. Besides the fact that they protected Vanitas' "twin" from any kind of pain that he felt everyday, the two were just plain annoying.

Aqua, as mentioned earlier, had beaten his face into the dirt. She was also, as mentioned earlier, in love with light. To her it was just so amazing, and all darkness had to be eliminated. If only she knew how terrible that would make the worlds.

And then there was Terra. He was the most gullible, thick person Vanitas had ever met in his life. It was almost sad, if it wasn't so hilarious. And also, he had darkness inside of him. It was obvious that his friends and Master had caused it. Aqua, Ventus, and that Eraqus guy were so filled with light, it cast deep shadows onto the only person there who hadn't embraced one side of the coin yet.

Vanitas smiled behind his helmet. Maybe he should try breaking that secret to Aqua next time. At the very least, it should startle her to the point of giving him an easy win.

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