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– smile –

. . .

A bird was pecking at the foot of some flowers. Hearing the sound of someone approaching, it quickly flapped away.

"Hey Zack."

Cloud knelt, careful not to crush any of the blooming plants. Aerith would have his head if she found out. He smiled at the steel blade – a huge sword simply stabbed into a cliff overlooking the town, exposed to the elements and left to accumulate wear, tear, and rust.

"The rebuilding's been going well. Radiant Garden's still fending off some Heartless attacks, but Sora and his friends did pretty well. The numbers have gone way down."

He took a deep breath, the otherwise innocent words having struck close to home. Sometimes, Cloud wished he didn't feel this responsibility to visit.

"Even after all these years, we miss you. Aerith especially. She still hasn't seen a guy since." He chuckled. "Now that the church is being fixed up, she wants your sword moved there. She said you would've wanted that way."

There was no reply besides the faint chirping of the birds.

"I don't know." Cloud shook his head, smiling. "God. I'm asking the opinion of a sword. Everyone in Radiant Garden must think I'm crazy by now."

He stood up. "Sephiroth's still around." His voice was quiet. "I'm trying my hardest, but Zack... I'm not sure if your death might end up being in vain. I just can't measure up to him. All I can do is fend him off."

Cloud felt a friendly hand on his shoulder. "Come on, Cloud. I know you better than that."

As he spun around, he saw no one... nothing but a flash of black. He wasn't sure if he had imagined it or not. After a moment, Cloud sighed and attempted a smile. "Yeah. I never give up. Not when I still have something to fight for."

. . .


At first, I thought, "Did I make Cloud too happy?" Then I felt sad when I realized that broodiness/depression is apparently one of his major traits now.

I came up with a theory on what happened with the whole Sephiroth-Cloud thing, KH-wise. I'm not going to type it out here, but if you're interested, just PM me.

As for the "flash of black"... I'll leave it to your imaginations. Yes, I just pulled a Nomura. / / is shot

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