CHAPTER FIVE: He Changes Like The Weather (Part 1)

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(Time Skip)

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(Time Skip)

The vehicle comes to a hard stop, seatbelt was holding me in place. We're here....My head turns to the window to view a beautiful building.He's in there....My breathing is out of sync--small and quick ....if I step out of here-- I know for sure I won't be able to catch my breath once we enter that building. Chris exits out and Rebecca follows after, oh no-- I don't have time to prepare myself. Shit....come on, (Y/n). It's him, you've been around him many times...I deeply sighed and exit out following the two of them inside. My heart starts to race-- cheeks start to feel warm...hands trembling. Chris reaches for the door and it squeaks open, letting the cool A.C air to escape.He enters in holding the door for Rebecca,as she holds it for me after. Chris and Rebecca both were leading side by side, walking in creating cover for me unable to see him. Eyes gaze around the room behind and to the sides of me. Nice wood work seems really cozy and welcoming. A woman with a small brown ponytail, the waitress and probably bartender-- wipes down the tables with a white rag. It was clear she was eyeing us directly-- but she had the look of worry in her eyes that we might be trouble walking in. I looked to Chris and Rebecca's back, thats the only view I have at the moment. I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack--remain calm (Y/n). A glass bottle taps on top of a table...

(Leon)- "Careful you don't scare the locals. Your stealth's for shit." his voice-- I  can hear it...but I can't see him. This is unsettling-- hearing his voice but not being able to see him--he doesn't know I'm here,Chris and Rebecca are keeping me covered. It's too late for me to run now...why did I agree to come here?! I take a step back giving them two some space to speak to him first. This was a bad idea...I should have just stayed home with Ashley.

(Chris)- "It's a little early to be that deep in the bottle, Leon."Why is he drinking this early? He struck me to be the guy who doesn't drink this early when the suns up...guess I was wrong. I stepped a little closer to--able to see a small space enough to see through Chris and Rebecca. I can barely see him. 

(Leon)- "Well, look who it is.The BSAA's golden boy and Dr. High Hopes." He finally sees Chris and Rebecca standing behind him. Chris took a step to his left, revealing me behind them. My eyes immediately glares behind Chris's head, why did you move?! Blue eyes turn towards me....dark dirty blonde hair slightly covering the right eye. He sees me! I see him! I kept my breath in....standing nervously still. He continues to stay silent...both of us eyeing each other. eyes darting every facial detail that I can remember-- It's him..Leon. My chest hurts so badly right now-- I could pass out-- but I won't, not in front of him. Please say something.....

(Leon)- " What's she doing here?" he spoke with a deep tone, that's not what I expected to hear. My heart sank down to the ground.

(Chris)- " I brought her along, figured she could be useful to us." I released my breath finally. He doesn't seem happy to see me.....but it could be the liquor talking. I wanted to say something, I open my mouth-- but nothing came out....its like I lost my voice-- Even if I could speak-- I wouldn't know what to say to him. He hasn't changed...his facial hair was growing in, his appearance was black jeans, boots the same leather jacket I saw him leave we last encountered each other. He furrows his brow and turns around in the table to continue to drink out of the glass cup.

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