Pregnancy Test

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* 3 weeks later*

(Your POV)

I've been feeling sick. I've been throwing up and feeling dizzy. I think I'm pregnant.

"Carmen I think I'm pregnant"

"What are you sure"

"Yeah I've been throwing up and I get dizzy a lot"

"Lets go to the store and by a pregnancy test"


We drove to the nearest store and Carmen bought 2.

We went home and I went to the bathroom to take it.

After 3 minutes the results came in and it's positive. I took it again and it came positive.

I started crying.

"Omg what's wrong"

"I'm pregnant"

"We have to tell Kevin"

"No I don't want him to know"


"No Carmen"


*5 hours later*

"I'm going to sleep Carmen"

"Good night"

"Night" the whole night I spent thinking about the baby

*10 days later*

We were eating breakfast. I'm 4 weeks pregnant now.

"Wanna go to the park today"

"Sure" we walked to the park since its close.

"I'm going to get ice cream wait for me here"

"Ok" she walked to the ice cream shop near by.

(Kevin's POV)

I decided to go to the park today to distract my self. the past weeks haven't gone well. I couldn't get enough sleep.

When I arrived I started walking around and I noticed (Y/N). I walked towards her hoping things can change now.

"Hola (Y/N)"

"Kevin I said I don't want to see you"


"I SAID I DO-" before she finished her sentence she fainted. I began to freak out. I called the ambulance and they are on there way. I saw Carmen running towards us.

"What happened"

"She fainted"

"Oh no"

"What's wrong"

"Nothing" I was holding her hand.

The ambulance finally came and they took her.

"Do you guys know her"

"Yes I'm her friend" Carmen told him and he looked at me.

"Umm... I'm her boyfriend"

"Ok who is going with her"

"You go Kevin ill follow y'all"

"OK" I got in the ambulance and we rode to the hospital.

We arrived and they room her out I followed them. the nurses stopped me and told me to wait here.

Carmen arrived.

"Has the doctor come yet"

"No" I'm so worried I hope she ok

"Family of (Y/N) (add your last name)"

Me and Carmen stood up. the doctor walked towards us.

" are y'all her family"

"I'm her boyfriend actually and this is her friend what's wrong with her"

The doctor looked at us

"She's pregnant"


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