Mr. And Mrs. Ortiz

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(Your POV)

We walked towards the church. The doors opened we walked towards the front. I kept on smiling.

(Kevin's POV)

I turned around and saw (Y/N). She looks beautiful. He beautiful smile. I just love her.

Her father (A.K.N mi suegro)

"Cuidala Kevin"

I smiled at him and nodded.

"Te ves ermosa"

"Gracias y tu Muy buapo"

We turned to face the father. He began to speak


"You may kissed the bride"

I turned towards (Y/N) and look at her beautiful brown eyes.

We were just inches apart.

We kissed it felt like fireworks when my lips touched hers 🎆🎆

Everyone was clapping.

We walked out of the church and we got outside everyone started to throw rice at us.

Everyone congratulated us. My mom handed Adilene to (Y/N).

Our little siblings hugged us.

(Your POV)

I will never forgot our kiss. Adilene looked at us with her green eyes.

I smiled.

At the party...

We danced. Everyone was so happy. My mom gets so emotional she cried the whole time (moms😒)

Kevin grabbed my arm and told him to follow him.

We were outside. I notice that everyone was outside to.

He lifted my chin so I can face him.

He got closer to me.

Our faces were just inches apart.

Our lips finally touched. I heard fireworks. I looked up then at Kevin.

"I love you (Y/N)"

"I love you to Kevin"

We kissed again and everyone started to clap.

I'm in love with Kevin Ortiz.

In Love With Kevin Ortiz [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now