All she thought was, Does he.... But that thought was taken away by Grady's groan from the door.
Really you just had to kiss him!
Dad! You were here the whole time!
Yep and Biana.
Hi! Biana says from the corner.
Can i talk to you. Alone. Sophie asked biana.
Don't think this is over Ms.....Fine
(Grady walks upstairs)
Pls don't tell Dex, or Fit.....
OMG I forgot Fitz. He totally likes you! Poor him, he lost the battle.
There was no battle.
Yes there was. Keefe had a mega big crush on you, so he teased you while flirting with you. Fitz bought you stuff to make you fall in love with him. And Dex tried. ALOT.
Sophie didn't know what to say.
Anyways Ive always thought Keefe would me mine, you know?
Ya... You've had a really big crush on him. Sorry.
No need to say sorry. Say sorry to Fitz, Well gotta go! Have a
Then she held her home crystal and leaped away.
SOPHIE ELIZABETH FOSTER. She heard from the door way.
Ok. I know, You hate Keefe in all but, can you just be happy for one day. Were just gonna dance.
I'm sorry. Ive been so rude to Keefe.
She was so shocked that he didn't even say THAT BOY!
When he made that drawing of us at Jolie's wanderling, My mind changed. It still hurts to say this but, You have permission.