Summer and School

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  DISCLAIMER:I do not own any of these characters, they belong to J.K. Rowling! But the plot is mine!

Draco was seated on his black leather couch, placing his legs on the coffee table. His black shoes glimmered in the limited light hitting the glass. The shadows concealed his thoughts, Draco would have to see Potter again the day after tomorrow. He felt a sort of anger and a warm feeling of getting to harass him. He had always hated Potter since the first day of school, when he declined his friendship, on that day he swore to himself that he would make Potter's life horrid. His bags were already packed and sitting next to the main entrance, collecting dust. During break, Lucius had made him perfect his potions and also made him read a book on herbology. Draco's father made him study daily even though he already excelled in all subjects. During Draco's free time, he thought up insults he could use against Potter. He learned new spells to use against Potter, ones to mess with him. 

     Harry's summer had been normal. He had spent most of his time at the forest, a five minute walk from the Dursley's house, practicing new spells and charms. He managed to turn an apple to a rose. He had received letters from his closest friends, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley. They had written about what they were doing, Hermione went to France and ate snails. While Ron went to Africa and meet a long lost cousin. Harry couldn't wait until he saw them. He couldn't wait until he could show off to Hermione all the new spells he had learned. He had missed his friends that summer, more than usual. Of course when he returned to Hogwarts, he'd have to put up with that horrible Malfoy. Harry's had to put up with him for four years, this year would might not be as bad as last year. This was their fifth year at Hogwarts, surely Malfoy would have grown out of his insecure childhood. During some nights, Harry would cast a muffling spell around his room and let Hedwig out of her cage to have her fly letters to his friends.

      Hermione missed Ron over the summer. She missed the way he would look at her in class, as if she were the only girl he'd ever seen. The way he would sneak up behind her and intwine his fingers with hers. Or how he would wrap his strong arms around her in the Gryffindor common room in front of the fire, not to mention their passionate kisses he stole from her and she let him willingly. She also missed the late nights roaming around Hogwarts with her best friends, Ron and Harry. The strong smell of the hallways at night, fueled her need for adventure. At her first year at the school, she dedicated herself to books and potions finals. She never thought that she would need friends. Or even a boyfriend for the matter. Over the years she invested in new friendships and classes. Her strongest friendships were with Ron and Harry. She had written to both of the boys over the summer, she encouraged both of them to go to the library. Harry wrote that he was reading books of the wizarding world, Ron hadn't picked up a book since school. Hermione was annoyed with that letter but pleased to hear Harry studying.

     Ron had a normal summer for a Weasly. He traveled and met family. Not much. He wrote to Hermione and Harry. His two older twin brothers, George and Fred, constantly played pranks on him. Ginny hadn't stopped talking about harry since school. Ron once told Ginny that Harry was gay so that she would stop asking him questions about his best mate. Like," What's his eye color?What's his zodiac sign? Who does he like? Is it me? Ron, is it me? It is?" And so on and on. Ron couldn't be happier that school was starting again. He could get away from his crazy family and finally kiss Hermione again. And see Harry again and crush him at wizards chess. Hogwarts was Ron's second home.


     Harry always felt a rush when he walked into the Great Hall. The smell of food and fire. The sounds of chatting, gulping and laughter. He skimmed the Gryffindor table looking for his friends, a couple seconds later he found them. Hermione had her head resting on Ron's shoulder. School just started and they were at it again, like nothing ever happened. He sat down and a plate of food magically appeared in front of him, filled with a full course dinner. 

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