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I had just moved from California about 3 months ago and have not been yet in school. But the big day arrived and I had to go. I was home schooled my whole 13 years. Now my parents wanted me to be social. I got in to East Intermediate middle school. The first day I was lost and I saw a girl and asked her "do you know where this room is?" She looked at me and turned away. I saw a boy approaching and he said to me "do you need help with something?" I looked at him and then showed him the paper. He replied "that's where I'm headed to my classroom". I walked behind him and I saw him tell the teacher that I was a new student. I entered that room and I saw the girl I had asked, rolling her eyes at me. I thought, what have I ever done to her. The boy that helped me told me to sit next to him, but apparently the girl, who was mean to me, sat where I was going to sit. So I didn't say anything and found a empty chair across the room and I sat there. After all my other classes periods, it was lunch there was where no teacher was looking at the kids. The girl and her friends looked at me and talked secretly among themselves then they came towards me and started spitting in me and they told me if I said anything to anyone, they would do something else to me next. They went to sit back down and the boy that helped me came towards me and said to me "let me help you". I was quiet for a few seconds, then I responded and I said "no, leave me alone, I'm okay" then I ran to the bathroom to clean myself, I had to go to class to get every thing over with. I saw the teacher and she was surprised. I was drenched in saliva, so the teacher questioned me "what happened" I told her "can I please call my mom" and she said " of course". I told my mom to pick me up and she told me that she was working. I told her what had happened in school that day and told her that I didn't want to come back to school, she answered me back saying "I'm coming but have to still come to school". I begged her to not let me at least go for a week and she said fine. We went home and I changed, she told me that she was going to speak to the teacher when I got back to school. The following week she told the teacher what I told her and the teacher told me that they won't bother me any more. And also I accidentally didn't tell her that it was only the girl and her friends but she punished everyone and after all what had happened. The boy that helped me started to talk to me. They he told me he had a brother and he was in the class and said that they were twins. We became really close. Luke was funny and really cute. I got to know his brother, Jai, was a bit shy but annoying. We became really good friends because whenever those girls tried to bully me, Luke and Jai would stand up for me. Jai had asked me if I could go to prom with him and I said yes. I saw in Jai's eyes that something bothered him. I asked him and he said everything was fine. I suddenly found out from Luke that his family always blamed on Jai for every thing. So I went up to Jai and asked him. I questioned him "does your family treat you bad", he looked at at me and ran away from me. I asked Luke if he was going to be okay and he assured me. So on the next day, Luke came up to me and said "Jai ran away". He was crying, I really felt bad. " He left this note" Luke said "here"

It said:

I'm leave you people because you we'll thank you Rosalyn for asking me that and yes they do so leave me alone and Luke thank you for standing up for me what mom and dad have said to me. BYE FOR NOW. And I will leave this note for Rosalyn give this to her....bye

I opened the note Jai wanted to give me and it said:

Dear Rosalyn

I should have told u before but now that you are reading this. It hurts for me to leave but I had no way out. But the way you told me hurt me so badly. I love you Rosalyn. I love you. Please forgive me for leaving but there will be a day I will see you and hug you as the way we always did please forgive me..... I love you


Jai ❤️

It hurt me so much, he would have told me. But he didn't. I would have told something else. I feel so dumb. I was only 13 and he was 14. Now where was he, he had to be some where....

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