Heartbeat #1

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Work was horrible. No, I will not talk about it. Here is this short story.

Summary:  Lauren's worst day was Camila's best.


Camila Cabello, 19, places her things on her table. After an eventful year, she was excited to have a calm year. She sat down, looking around the classroom. Her eyes stopped at a student she hadn't seen before. The other girl was sitting at the back, her things on her table. Her eyes were glued to her phone, staring at something.

"Turn to page seven," she heard the professor say, getting both her and the girl's attention.

Camila saw green eyes flicker towards her before she turned to the teacher.

Camila copied the notes while keeping an eye on the girl. The other girl would turn to her, causing Camila to look away, her cheeks red.

She quickly packed her things when the professor dismissed the class. She was about to bolt out when she stopped abruptly.

Someone was standing in front of her.

"Hi," the other girl greeted, a small smile on her face.

"H-hey," Camila responded.

"So, I started this class a month late and I was wondering if you'd mind helping me catch up?"

"Professor Cowell let you miss a month?"

The other girl shrugged. "Yeah, but I have to be ready for the test next month or I'll fail. So what do you say?"

"O-okay," Camila answered, nodding her head. Her eyes were glued on the other girl's green eyes.

The girl took out her phone and handed it to Camila. "I'm Lauren. Lauren Jauregui."

"Camila Cabello."

Lauren froze, a frown appearing on her face, before it was replaced with a smile. She got her phone back. "I-I'll text you."

Camila watched her leave, having a feeling Lauren wasn't going to text her.


Lauren did text her.


Camila laughed as she listened to Lauren's story.

"There was so much blood. Like, so much."

"Was his nose broken?"

Lauren shook her head. "No, but I did give myself a concussion."

Camila shook her head. She looked at the paper in front of Lauren. "I think we pushed it enough, turn it around."

Lauren grinned and turned her test over, seeing a big B plus on top. "I get to stay in the class!"

Camila squealed and hugged the older girl. Lauren just smiled back.



"Karla, what did I say about screaming?" Sinu Cabello asked, walking towards the doorway. "Lauren!"

Lauren smiled. "Hey Sinu."

Camila frowned, watching her mother hug her friend, her crush, like they were long time friends.

"Lolo!" Sofi shouted, running towards the green eyed girl, who just picked her up.


"No, you're Lamp. My Lamp," Sofi giggled, squishing Lauren's cheeks. The older girl just laughed and kissed Sofi's cheek.

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