Heartbeat #3

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Here's is another unrelated part that one person asked for. PoisonIvysKiss, this is for you.

Pairings: Shawren, Laucy and Shawmila.

Summary: One night changed Shawn and Lauren's lives forever.


"I'm really sorry this happened," Shawn whispered, leaning back on the chair.

Lauren smiled. She gave his hand a pat. She turned to look at the doctor, that was getting the machine ready. She turned back to him. "It's on both of us."

"This is going to be cold," the doctor said, getting the gel ready. Lauren whimpered when she felt it on her stomach. Lauren watched the monitor, waiting for a picture. She felt the doctor move that device around, until she stopped at a peanut.

"Is that her?" Shawn asked, leaning forward.

"That right there is your baby. Would you like to know the gender?"

"Can we hear the heart again?" Lauren asked, looking at the doctor.

He nodded, moving around. Lauren closed her eyes, hearing the rhythmic thumps. She could feel tears fill her eyes as she listened to her baby's heartbeats. She opened her eyes and turned to Shawn, who seemed lost in the sound as well. The smile on his face was the biggest he'd ever seen.

The doctor smiled. "Would you like to know the gender?"

Lauren nodded her head, a smile on her face.

"Congratulations, you're having a girl!"


Lauren watched as Shawn showed Camila the ultrasound.

Lauren and Shawn had a momentary lapse of judgement. Lauren's friend, Camila, had feelings for Shawn. And at a party, the two got drunk and lost their virginities to each other. The two had been friends before, and had some mutual attraction. But never did anything about it until that moment. Both remembered what had happened. Both consented.

The next morning, both of them decided their relationship would end there.

Camila wasn't happy when she heard. She was angry. She didn't talk to Lauren until one day when the green eyed girl knocked on her door with tears streaming down her face. Lauren told her about missing her period and how she didn't think she used protection. Camila held her and told her it was going to be okay. That if Lauren wanted, Camila would be with her when she took a test.

When the test came out positive, Lauren and Camila told Shawn and her parents. There were a lot of tears and lot of hugs.

Lauren started to close to Lucy, and shared a kiss. Lauren told her about the pregnancy and about how she was going to keep her baby. She gave Lucy the chance to run, telling her that Lauren wouldn't be mad or anything. She didn't want Lucy to feel like she was stuck. Lucy decided to stay, saying if life wasn't going to be interesting, then you weren't living. Lucy kissed Lauren and then kissed above her belly button.

Camila and Shawn bonded over Lauren's unborn baby. One thing let to another and they kissed. Lauren was so happy when she heard.

A few months later, Lauren was showing and dating Lucy. Camila and Shawn strong together.

(Dinah, Ally and Normani always had popcorn, enjoying the drama.)


"Have you thought of names?" Shawn asked one day, both laying on Lauren's bed. The door was wide open. Shawn was on "Lauren duty". He'd just stay with her, help with whatever she needed.

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