Heartbeat #2

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I got this idea and decided to write it. It's not the greatest and it may be rushed, but I wanted to get it out there. This 'book' may have more one-shots. But here is #2.

Hopefully, you're all in for a ride. (If my writing hits the right places.)

WARNINGS: Death. Dealing with Death.

Summary: Lauren's friends are there when she needs them the most.


"Wake up," Camila said, kicking Lauren's chair. The older girl woke up with a start. She glared at the laughing girl.

"Bitch," Lauren told her, rubbing her eyes.

"Why are you so tired?" Ally asked, a small frown her face.

Lauren sighed. "I didn't sleep much."

"What do you do all night?" Dinah asked, looking at the girl.

Lauren just laughed. "Wouldn't you like to know."

"I don't think we want to," Normani told her, shaking her head.

Lauren, Camila, Dinah, Normani and Ally all became friends their sophomore year, after Lauren moved to the town. They were all assigned a project and failed it when they spent most of their time singing and dancing than doing the work. 

Lauren was always a mystery to them. She always had a tired energy around her, but as of late, she had been even more tired. Lauren had bags under her eyes. The girl was getting paler and seemed to be losing weight.

But every time any of the girls would bring it up, Lauren would tell them not to worry. But they did, every time.


"Left," Normani heard. She pushed the nob next to the steering wheel.

The four girls had decided one day to follow Lauren. They were slightly annoyed by the mystery.

"Is that the hospital, is that where we're going?" Ally asked, trying to look out the window.

Normani shrugged. She followed Lauren's car as it pulled up in the parking lot of the hospital. They parked close, but not too close of Lauren and followed her into the hospital.

The elevator was the hardest part, but it worried them how Lauren seemed to know most of the doctors.

Dinah pulled up her hood and entered the elevator with Lauren. Normani waited for the floor number from her. Once they got it, they went to the floor.

The floor they got out of was familiar to Normani, and it caused her heart to drop. She remembered when she'd visit her mother when she was little, when her mother had cancer.

They saw Lauren walk into a room. They looked at each other before walking towards the door. Looking inside, they saw Lauren sit down on a chair. The girl grabbed a younger girl's hand. The little girl looked to be sleeping.

Normani looked at the other girls, not sure if they should show themselves, but Lauren answered for them.

"I know you guys have been following me," Lauren said, turning to smile at the girls.

"How did you know?" Dinah asked, looking at the other girls who looked surprised.

"You guys don't think I would notice a car following me? And I've seen Mani's car a bunch of times."

The four girls laughed. They entered the room.

"Who's this Lo?" Camila asked, signaling towards the sleeping girl.

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