1 - The Flame Alchemist

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I could feel the suffering like a bullet in my own back. The screams, the tears, and...the blood. Everywhere was a dark liquid, down the streets, on the walls, on my hands. It was like nothing I could have imagined. I felt the world as if it was spinning around me, going faster and faster, daunting me to run or hide or cower in the intensifying agony. Then I could see it. Those people, my friends who lay asleep on the road. Why won't they wake up. I wanted to play tag like we did in the streets. Jara always won, no one ever wants him to be it. I want to hear Shanara's squalling laughter, we always made fun of it. Or the clumsy way Herona run and fell down as soon as someone saw her. Why are they sleeping? This is no time to rest,, we have to play. I want to play.


They screamed. Why did they scream?


They cried. Why must they cry?


They fell asleep. Why must they sleep?




What is that strange dark liquid that is coming from them?

Why are they so still? Father always snored, why is it that he does not now?

Why is there smoke? Is someone having a camp fire?

'Because you don't understand my little one.'


'Yes my child, it is me.'

Mother, why are you sleeping, why is everyone sleeping?

'For you my child, my little one.'

For me?

'Yes, for you.'

But why?

'For you.'

I don't understand mother, I'm scared!

'For you.'

Mother! I'm scared, I'm so scared!

'For you.'


Why do they scream and cry and sleep? Why do they feel pain, so much pain. Why...why are there tears dripping down my cheeks? Why do I scream. And why do I lay down on the ashy raid soaked with the blood of our people?


I can see him. The one standing up high as if he where trying to be apart of the sky. That look in his eyes. His dark hair. Why does this man stand? Why must he cause pain, suffering and death.


Why...why must he snap his fingers at me?...





"Ha, ha, ha. Mustangs at it again, is he? Jeez, that man never knows when to give up, does he? Him an his ambitions, I tell you!" The man said cheerily.

"I heard he took on a kid into the military." Said the other man.

"Really? Has he lost his mind?"

"Well, he might have gotten a little mental, you know, after the ishvalian..."

"Hey, shut your mouth Johnson!" The first man said. "You know HE doesn't like us talking about it. Do you want die or something?!"

The second man, Johnson, shutters. "I...uh...your right, I totally forgot!"

"Anyways, we have to focus on our mission..."

So, Mustang's taken in a kid, has he? That doesn't matter, it doesn't pay back the evil that he's done.

"Tamara, what are you doing?" Someone whispers from behind me.

I jump and trough my knife out of my sash. They jump back in an instant and I aim my knife...

"Easy, easy..." They say.

I recognized the voice.

"Skcawgai? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I came to bring you back, everyone's worried." He says.

I smirk. "Yeah, well than maybe they should just let me be."

"Tamara, they are your family." He putt his hand on my shoulder but I wished it away.

"No, my family died in ishval along with yours and everyone else's! Leave me alone!"

"I know what your doing." He said smoothly. "I heard those military guys as well. Your thinking about going after him again, aren't you?"

I stay silent. I wish I could see his face but it is too dark. I want him to know I'm serious, although I'm pretty sure he already knows that. It's something I have to do. Not just for me, but every one of us.

"Just give it up Tamara!" He orders "stop doing this! They are dead, killing someone else isn't going to equal it."

"He's the one that caused us pain. HE IS THE ONE THAT SCARRED ME! I WILL NOT LET HIM LIVE!"

I pull back my bang that covers my eye and I lightly touch the tender skin there. My burn, the one he gave me after giving me pain. It's like it wasn't enough for him, like he needed more for some reason. He's ruffles, merciless, and he deserves what's coming for him, death!

I will not give up!

Something hits me in the back of the head and darkness consumes me.


When I open my eyes I smell smoke.

Immediately my reflexes go off and I spring up with knife in hand still who ever might me with me. And...there's no one. Great I wasted energy on at taking air.

I dropped back down on my sleeping pad. I'm at camp, that for sure.

That darn Skcawgai, why'd he knock me out?! And just when I was going to go after mustang too.


Like poison to my ears.

Then, outside I hear voices.

"It was ungodly of you to knock Tamara unconscious, Skcawgai. But I am glad you did it. Who knows what would have happened if we had let her go after the flame alchemist." It was old man hikaru, no doubt about it.

"Yes, sur. it would have not been good." Skcawgai said.

The old man laughed. "God will reward you, Skcawgai, he sees good in deeds done for other people. I am however frightened for Tamara's sake. It seems that the anger for roy mustang has consumed her, it has even left her doubting god. Please, Skcawgai, I wish for you to watch over her. We don't want her running off again, help to bring her back to the path of god."

"I will, you can bet my life on it, sir!"

I wanted to laugh. There's no way Skcawgai could do anything for me. I'm not giving up. I promised myself that I will kill roy mustang. I will make it so he doesn't hurt another soul again.

I pull on my boots and pack my bag. Alright state Alchemist. It's time. After years of waiting and doing nothing.

I will no longer scream.

I will no longer cry.

And I will no longer hide in the darkness.

Roy mustang, I'M COMING FOR YOU!!!

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