Chapter 8

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The day seemed to go by in a flash. Harry had tried so hard to keep his head low and his eyes open throughout every single class for any hint of suspicion into what Louis was planning. There had to be something. He could feel it in his bones. There was no way the homophobe would suddenly turn all mushy and friendly because of a few tutoring lessons. So he had tried to keep an eye out for the feathery-haired brunette, ready to expose him whenever he saw something fishy taking place. But so far, nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

Louis' day was pretty - well, boring. All the guy did be hang out with friends (Harry would like that but he would certainly not hang out with a single person Louis had associations with) and played football. The curly haired man had to admit that his bully was pretty good at the game. Well, that was obvious considering he was in the team and was the reason for so many victories. That was probably the reason why the coach went easy on him whenever he was smoking on the ground or arriving late for practice or taking a girl to the locker room for a fuck mid game.

It was creepy how a high schooler was doing such nasty things - the bullying incidence completely not a part of the list. So by the end of the day, Harry had decided that he had no reason to doubt the guy. Just as he was thinking deep into his long investigation, tiny fingers shoved him on the shoulder. The boy frowned, fixing his loose strands behind his ears before turning to glare at the person who had ruined his unbullied day 1 streak. He was just getting the hang of walking on the corridors freely.

"What? You gonna snap now?" The familiar voice mumbled, blue eyes looking down the floor before carefully checking the entire area. Of course, Harry thought to himself, he is afraid to be seen with me. And somehow, he wasn't as bothered by it as he had thought he would be.

"No. I was just shocked," the brunette replied back softly, still treading on thin ice around his aggressor. There was a lot that Louis alone could do to him without any backup. Even though God had blessed Harry with a fairly good height and body ratio, he certainly forgot to teach him how to use it to his own advantage.

"Are you ready to go now? I've got my car with me so we don't have to walk. I'll drop you back to your place later if you don't mind that is," Louis spoke quickly, his voice slightly squeaky and more high pitched than normal, it made Harry smile but he kept it in. He wasn't going to get swayed by this man, with his high cheekbones and rough calloused hands, those tiny fingers and that snide smirk, this kind of a man was not going to sway Harry Edward Styles.

"I don't think I should be going there with you Louis. What am I even supposed to do there?"

"We'll play some video games," the shorter of the two replied quickly as if he had already planned just how the day was going to go.

"I'm not into video games. And besides, we're not friends. It was wrong of me to even agree to this in the first place. We should just stick to the tutoring classes and get your grades on track so we both can go back to how we were with each other before," Harry whispered the last part, hating how his own conscience was screaming at him for saying these things. He really needed a friend. Once you're all alone throughout high school, getting bullied for your sexuality and hiding it from your family, you really need somebody to talk to. His school's counsellor was a nice woman but there was nothing she could do to help except tell him to talk it out with Louis or report the case to the Principal for the times when it had gotten too tough. And he knew he wouldn't survive a day in school if he did report Louis. Everybody loved Louis Tomlinson and Harry knew that they would all make it their mission to ruin his life if Louis was out of the picture. So he kept quiet but no matter how desperately he needed friends, he definitely didn't want to befriend his bully. That would be crazy!

"Woah there. I never said we were friends. I just thought that we should hang out, get to know each other a little because I pity you."

The words were a slap in the face. Harry turned around and stared at Louis wide-eyed, his green eyes glaring down at his blue ones.

"You pity me?"

"Everybody does! You walk around the school with nobody to talk to except those nasty old teachers. You haven't had a friend for as long as I could remember. You're such a loner that everybody loves picking on you," the feathery brunette chuckled mockingly.

"And whose fault do you think that is? Who was the one who made sure to torture me every day so that everybody hated me? Who was the one who kept on picking at me because of my sexuality! It's 2018, I'm allowed to be gay!"

"Well, you shouldn't have been so easy to pick on."

"I am not easy to pick on," Harry gritted his teeth together, glad that nobody was watching them right now but also afraid because of it. This means that the shorter lad could do everything and get away with it without any witness. It's not as if having witnesses around was going to change anything but Harry liked the possibility of somebody someday coming up to stick for his side.

"You don't say anything when everybody shoves you and calls you names! You don't even snitch to the teacher, for fuck's sake. People like thinking you're a masochist or you're just suicidal and you've given up in trying to find a way out of this mess," the tone of Louis' voice changed as he ended the sentence. "Are you though? Suicidal, I mean?"

Harry blinked. His lips slightly parted, his hair a hot mess and his eyed widened.

"I have never once thought of suicide as an option. I don't deserve to die because some idiots think that being gay is abnormal," he finally spoke, slowly and with a firm voice. The only thing he craved right now was to go home and lie down. This was too much for him. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought that he would be standing here, in the school corridor, talking with his bully about the possibility of him being suicidal.

"That's good then," Louis nodded, unsure of himself now. He had planned to just take the boy away to his home and have a quiet evening but this certainly wasn't it. Why did things not go as planned when it came to Harry Styles?

"If I go to your house, will you promise to lay off the bullying?" The brunette asked, closing his locker and turning around to actually look at Louis completely. He looked handsome, no doubt about that. Those striking eyes, that jawline, those thin lips could really do things to a person. Harry's eyes trailed down as he waited for Louis to respond. The boy was wearing Adidas sneakers like always, a casual black tee topped off with blue denim shirt along with black jeans.

He was definitely beautiful

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He was definitely beautiful. And Harry didn't have a single clue why he was thinking this way about his goddamn bully.

"Sure, but only if you agree that you won't let anybody else bully you either. I don't want other people to be messing with you," the words were spoken so softly that they made Harry's heartbeat accelerate. He blinked again, eyes staring down at the captain of the football team who had just said something which probably wasn't even meant to be this sweet. Or was it?

"W-what?" The boy stuttered, confused with everything that was happening.

"Don't you get it? I don't want other people touching you."

Just those words were enough to sway him.


AN/ how are you peeps? My dog is not eating anything because my dad's gone away on a trip. I cry.

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