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It is midday when we get back home , just in time for lunch . We stopped at the grosarrey store and bought some ekstra meat with all the other usual stuf. Another thing we have in kommon is that we both love meat.

As soon as i enter the houce i get a strange feeling that something is not rite . I just shrug of the feeling not thinking mutch of it bekose there relly is no reson to fear at the moment. Octavia enters the room as silant as usual , suddenley she stiffs behind me " Mr henrey "she ses in a low voice and turn to her relly interested that she started konversation . As soon as i se her i now this wont be good . She looks more uneesey than normal her ais nervusley looking around seeking something . "Something is not rite " she implys and just as i was about to answer when all the dors in the houce burst open and people streem in from all sides . I new something was up , most of the dors in this houce are never klosed. Within sekonds we are surounded by men with masks and some with guns , in that time i have mooved to Octavia by instinct to protect her . I se onley one man between us and the dor and a plan starts to form in my mind . I hit someone komming to klose and kick him away  .  Grabbing her arm i run into the man making him fall . I open the dor and we burst thrue onley to be stoped by three men outside pointing guns at us . I look around frantikley for an eskape rute . Oktavia rips her arm out of my grip and punches someone in the stomick , that have run up to us . A shot rings thrue the air  and se her stifen for a moment kausing her to get hit in the face by the man . I was about to help her but someone komes up to me and i just barley doge his punch. As i kome back up i bring up my knee into his stomick . I feel a painfull sting in my side , but dont have time to reakt bekose two men are at me punching away . I doge one punch and punch the other taking one myself. The nekst punch i katch the arm and throw him into another . Another nother painful sting in my upper back makes me turn around . I stumbel now notching that i feel numb . My vision blurs and my mind spins  . I se Octavia going for a punch , but mooves klumseley and another man katched her arm. Then i feel somithing hard kome in contact with the back of my hed.

My hedake is the first thing i notice as i slowley seep into konchesness. As my senses return i notice that i am lying , or rather sitting on a hard survice . I slightley hear a kar engin and now notice that we are mooving. My hands are hanging above me . I lift my hed and slowley open my ais . I am in the back of a van , there is a little light on one side of the kar nexst to a man fiddeling with his phone . He hasent noteced i am awayk yet . My hands are kuffed to a pole at the one end of the truck. The kar hits a ditch and the whole kar shakes kausing something to fall on my sholdier . I look around to find an unconscious Octavia alsow cufed to the horizontal pole above our haids, now leening on me . Her cheek klearley blue from the fight . As soon as i find my voice i latch out at the man . "What the hell !! What is wrong with you people ! Way are we here!?"i jell . The man jumps and nearley falls over at my sudden outburst , after he rekovers he glares at me." Shut up " he spits . "You are going to be sorry for this"i say vilontley and spit back. He mooves kloser and kikes me in the stomach . Then ignores me .

I turn my atention to se if the gerl is alright. Her braid is now a little messy and aside fromb her blue cheek there are skratckmarks on her arm . And her nees are scoffed. How dare they hurt an innicent gerl , whoever they are.

The kar komes to a stop and moments after that , the kardor swings open and two men klimb in . One holds me whil the other loosens me fromb the pole and rekufs my hands behind my back , they then shuve me out of the truck and one karryes Octavia out . I am led to a big old bulding , standing alone in a field . I am forsed in and taken to a avarage sise room where i am once agayn kuffed to a metal pipe in the wall and so is Octavia. The men leeve the room without saying eneything leeving me to myself.

There is one window , but with bars and the dor definitely locked. I start to wonder who this culd be . What do they want , way go thrue all that effort to kidnap me . A soft moan grabs my attention and i look at Octavia a few meters away from me now starting to stir. "Hy Octavia, are you ok . "I ask in a soothing voice trying to put her panick to a minimum . She opens her ais , and a kwick flach of fear apeers , but kwikley fades to just a little spark. She then grouns ."bluddy hell , just when i got kumfortable with my life , this happens!"she sais more anoid and angrey than afraid. I stop from what i was about to say not ekspekting her to have that reaction. She is defanitley full of suprises. "What do you mean ?"i ask but she egnores my cuestion . "Whel i shuld have expected something like this to happen , just my luck" she ses to herself klearley verey upset , wuldent eneyone be? "Octavia.... it is going to be ok , i will get us out of this , trust me" i say trying to konfort her . She snapes her haid to me . "No, what makes you think that i whil trust you , i kant trust you , i kant trust eneyboddey."she laches out . I get the feeling she is refirring to more than our kurrent situation . Just then the dor opens and a man koverd in tatoos steped in . I emediatley relised why i am here , i rekodnise that man as one of Dragonbreath's goons. Dragonbreath is a terrorist that our team hase been after for years. My last mition was blowing up one of his baces. Oktavia looks at him wildly "wow , was your mother a printer , or did you just loose s fight with one ?"she ses . For a moment he just stands there not nowing how to reakt , to be honast nyther do i . "Someone dosent now who is in charge."he ses looking at her amused . Bevore she replyes his phone rings and he looks disapointed . He puts the phone to his ear and leeves the room , a tall woman enters 'probbable a gaurd ' and silantley sits in the korner . Oktavia egnors her and looks at me ."by the look on your face i take a guess you now theese people"she asks . The woman takes a bag from her jaket and throwes a tiny rock at oktavia." I think i do , but am not shure why we are here"a rock hits me . "Whel nex time .."she averts her atention at the woman as a rock hits her haid "wuld you stop that , i am trying to have a konversation " she ses . "Stop talking and i might"the woman answers throwing another stone at her . She seems to listen for now . I have no idea what happend to Octavia, but she is akting difrantley , where she was always so silant and distant she is now klearley chatty and dephnatley not shy. People say that fear makes you do things you wuld normalley never do , whell i guess this is the kace.

After a whil the sun hase set and the woman hase switched on a small light . She is now plaing a game om her phone . Octavia hase made herself as komfortable as possable as did i . I sit up straight as we hear footsteps komming to the dor . "Finally !"the woman exclaims and gets up . The dor opens to reveel 4 men karrying in two peopleand one being forsed in , it is not just eney people , but my 3 best friends/old team members. Rouen and Hanson are karryed , where Syl is forsed in . They ty Syl and Hanson on seprat placea , but put Rouen with Octavia since they ran out of objekts to ty us to. Syl the onley one awayk looks at me kwestionalley. I sighn her that i will tell her later. When she spots oktavia sitting on the other side of the room , her haid wips tp me with wide ais. The men leeve the room "tell the caption they will wake up in a vew minuts"one ses whil walking out . After they leeve Syl starts talking "i thought this had something to do with our mition , but we kan skrub that , since you are here . Did you do something?"she rambeld . Bevore i kan answer Octavia talks "i guess theese are your friends you told me about. "She asks . Syl looks at her like she just rememberd her "who is she , and what dose she have to do wirh enney of whatever this is?"she asks . "The short version of what i kan tell is that she was visiting me whan it happened . I guess they took two for the price of one "i answer . "Where are we ?"hanson asks onley half awayk ."i am not shure buddy , somewhere in the middle of nowhere"i say . Now he snaps fully awayk "Henry what the hell are you doing here ?" He asks suprised , but happy to se mee agayn ." It hase something to do with Dragonbreath . "They both freese "i am guessing that is a bad thing"oktavia ses reading there ecspretions . I nod at her and bevore Hanson kan ask she intreduses herself. "Hy i am Octavia, not relley suposed to be here , but i got stuck with mr Henry "She ses lying back ant trying to get komfortable . Hanson looks konfused , as we all are but dosent ask about her "whel Rouen did ask for something existing to happen , i guess he got his wich ." He jokes not in the mood for cuestions.

After a few minuts where Octavia was mostley silant , Rouen starts to shift slightley. I look at him waiting for him to say something sarkastick. He drops his haid that he is now facing Octavia . She lowers her face to barley an inch from his. What in the world is she doing? As he opens his ais she looks straight into them " wats up?" She asks . He jumps back from the fright of her klosnes and kurses as he gets tuged back from the cuffes . "What the f*k". Octavia looks at him and if i have it right i saw a millimeeter smile on her face for a split sekond . I must admit it was pretty funny , but it still suprises me that she isent having a panick atak rite now . Me and my team are able to remain kalm bekose we have been trained , i guess the shock hasent hit her yet. Rouen looks around in half panick that just hit him. "May i ask who the f*k you are , and why the hell did you do that?" He asks kalming down . She looks at him face not as stern as it was bevore . "Mind your language mister , i am underaged" she lectures not relly meaning it and lys back once agayn . He looks konfused that she wuld say that and aparantley is at a loss of words. It seems she hase a habet of doing that. I deside to let one of the others explain our situation since i did that lasttime.

Whil Syl was explaining what she new of the situation the dor swung open
reveeling the tattooed man and another one who looks like a boddy bulder . Oktavia is the first to speak as the man sits on a chair infront of us. "Hy ink , where did you run off to i was starting to get worryed....Who is your friend?" He looks at her konfused " my name is Chet "he spat the words ignoring her cuestions . He looks at the rest of us "whel , the famos red team , you dont look so tuigh as evereyone deskribed . "He ses mocking us , i glare at him and was about to demand the reson for us being here bevore Oktavia once agayn interupted my thoughts . "Are you kidding me , that skar from mr Henrey , that woman's krasy hair and skary battelface , that mans mustage and outfit and the sheer sise of this man necst to me , he is bigger than hulk ofer there . If theese people dont seem tough , you must be mentaly disabeld ."she ses and he looks at her now angrey that she ruend the moment . The big man walks to her and she seems to be prepering . When he reatches her he kikes her in the stomick and she leans a bit farward from the blow . I jerk farward eeven though i now i kant get to her . "Leeve her alone , she hase done nothing that deserved this.!" I say now mad , i might onley have nown her for a few days , but i am alwreddey protektive. Rouen leans farward to chek if she is ok . The big man looks at me and kikes her again just to be spiteful . I jank on the hand kufs , and make a angrey noise . "Now that that problem hase been taken kare of . Do eney of you now now why you are here ." Oktavia , aparantley desided not to talk aneymore , and i am thankful for that . Chet takes our silance as a sighn to kontinue. "You have all been brought here by order of the grate dragonbreth ". He looks at me spesifikley . "Partly for personal resons , but mainley because you where the team with the nolage that he needs to restart his work . You whil answer all his questions , eventualey . Once he arives the festiviteys whil begin ". What was the purpus of that speetch egsaktley . We wuld have found it out soon enuf .

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