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I misrabley take the bread that hase been thrown into my cell . The past vew days hase been hell . He wuld kome in everey vew hirs and take one of us . He wuld cut me and hit me and burn me . I am shure two of my fingers are broken , and i am weak overall . I wuld deny the food , but i am starving . He then throws a bottle whater in aswhell witch i gladley jug down . We have onley gotten food one one other ocasion during the five days that we spent here . I was now to weak to eskape myself and prayed that the genaral wuld find us soon .

As i ate the last of my bread i herd the dor slam . I am in an underground bace of sorts with a vew rooms and two seprat halls . That dor slamming always means that someone kame down , and most times it was Helton who kame straight for us . My dread is prooven as moments later his footsteps kan be herd , eccoing thrue the halls , komming for the prison room. He opens the dor and walks in , konfadent and with that horrable glint in his yeys . For a moment he just stands there looking around , desiding who to go for this time . His yeys land on me and he smiles . I hate that man so mutch rite now , i onley wished that he wuld die rite there . He komes to me and jigels the cell keys . "Reddey for another therapy aesion ?" He asks thinking that he is verey funny . "F**k you ". I am not usialy one to curce , but that was all i culd say . He komes in and walks to me . I wish that i kan punch him silly , but my hands are cufed , and i am weak . He bends down to my level "that is no way to talk to your better " he ses and kiks my face . My haid hits the wall and for a moment evereything gos black . I blink a vew times , but then relise that it wasent me , but rather the lights that went out . It kliks on agayn and Helton looks confused for a moment , but then brushes it of . He komes at me agayn , and kiks me in the stomick . I gasp trying to regain my breath . The lights flikker of agayn and a vew sekonds after that it turnes on . Helton looks up at it and then looks anoid . He walks out of my sel and yells into the hall . A vew moments pass and three men komes to him . Just as they enter the lights flikker of agayn . This time i count the time it is of , since it seemed oddley eeven timing . It was of for ten sekonds . When it turns on agayn Heltion looks at the men . "Dident i tel you to fill the genaraters gas this afternoon?" He sais anoid and they all seem confused . "Sir , i did ". Just then the lights go of agayn and presisley ten sekonds later it flikers on agayn . Whil the men argue about who filled the tank i notice something elce . The dor that was onley open by a ince ten sekonds ago was now fully open , and the gaurd that sat outside the room was now gon . This sparked my atention and i looked to the others . Syl noticed my face first and got the atention of the others . They now i noticed something , but i kant tel them . A moment later the lights repeted there aktions . Suddenley the men stilled as something eccod down the hall . It was a laugh , a soft , but dangerush laugh . It eccod into the now silant room like a breese . A chil ran down my spine as the lights went on agayn . Now those men are looking around confused. The voice dident stop laughing until a good whil into the light . There seemed something vimiliar in that voice , but i kant put my finger on it . I look at the others , thay are alsow on eg and they now that something is verey rong . When the ligits turn of agayn , i ecspekt something to happen . A thud culd be herd rite bevore the lights turn on agayn . When visability kame agayn one of the men was lying on the ground with a knife inpaling his throught . Evereyone skared at that and a panick broke out . Helton pulled his gun from his holster and aimed it down the hall . "Who is there ?"he demands and his men follow his ecsample . A voice eccod thrue the hall . "Ouh you shuld now dear Helton ". I still kuldent place the voice , but it was vimiliar . Helton seemed confused at her reply . The light went out agayn and i velt something kold agenst my leg . The light stayd of for longer this time . I kuld emagin a verey soft pat pasing me , but i kan not be shure because of the men stomping around so near me . The light komes on and a klank down the hall grabs everyone's atention ecsept for mine . My atention is on the gun now agenst my leg . There is a note on it that ses ' HOLD YOUR FIRE ' . I have the urge to shoot him and get out of here , but think better of it , i do not want to make this person mad and it seems she has it all under controle for now . Gripping the gun i look at Rouen showing him what i have and he looks utterley confused .

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