Chapter 3

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Meissa was relaxing on the couch with a cup of tea and a copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them in her hands with the Muggle box playing the background at a low volume. The clock ticked on showing it was getting late, it made Meissa worry for Remus. He had been sent on a mission by the Order and it seemed to be taking longer than expected. Meissa wondered whether or not to go to bed, knowing either way she wouldn't be sleeping tonight.

Before she could make a decision, a knock on the door sounded through the flat. Meissa sat up, placing her book and tea on the coffee table. She went over to the Muggle box and turned it straight down and looked towards the door, another knock came from it. She knew that she should have her wand and ask the person behind the door questions, but she didn't want to alert the person behind the door of her presence.

Once in front of the door, Meissa slowly opened the door and looked up to see the hard-faced Sirius Black staring down at her. Meissa's eyes widened in surprise. The last time she saw her cousin was when he stormed out of her flat when he discovered who she was. She didn't blame him so let him be. She felt disheartened causing Remus to fuss over her for the rest of the day, he was so much like his mother.

"Remus isn't here." She told him, softly.

"I know."

Meissa swallowed thickly, "I you like tea or coffee?"


Meissa watched as Sirius took a sip from the mug. She stood near the kitchen door while he sat on the couch. She was able to observe the way he dressed. He looked like one of those biker boy's from that musical. Grease or something like that. He had the leather jacket, the drainpipe jeans and tight top. His hair was the only difference.

Sirius screwed up his face and coughed in disgust, placing the mug far away from him. Meissa sighed in defeat at another ruined tea and took the mug away to the kitchen. She came back through with a glass of water for Sirius which he eagerly drunk.

"Remus said I was getting better," Meissa said, "At making tea, the house-elves used to be the ones that done."

She wasn't really trying to make conversation, she was talking for the sake of talking. The silence had been killing her.

"It wasn't bad," Sirius sputtered, still slightly choking, "I just prefer my tea weak."

"Weak?" Meissa asked, childishly.

"Yeah," Sirius looked at her then realised who he was talking to, "It means that it has a lot of milk in it."

Meissa nodded and made mental note of it. Little did she notice that her sleeve had rolled up revealing her special tattoo. Sirius saw from the corner of his eye, it wriggled and squirmed. It made him physical ill to look at it.

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