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Cara's POV

It's been two weeks since I left for London and I miss her so much. I miss her smile. I miss her voice. How cute her giggle sounds. I miss her sweet vanilla scent. I'm dying to engulf her in my arms feeling her warmth that can beat the coldness of the December breeze. I miss snuggling with her in the sofa while pretending to watch FRIENDS when in reality I just keep on distracting her from the tv screen. I miss our small banter every now and then. God, I miss my Kenny so much, it hurts. My train of thoughts about a certain brunette were suddenly interrupted by the buzzing sound of my phone. I saw a text from Gigi.

"C, still up for the plan?" Oh, right the plan. I quickly replied a yes and thanked her. She just sent back a winky face. Weird.

I got up and decided to take a shower since I know it's going to be a long day. We need to shop for some ingredients for our Christmas party. Just a simple dinner with my family and other relatives. And I also need to buy presents for my girls and Kenny. Since I'm a part of their squad now I need to be included in their Christmas tradition. I decided to buy clothes and shoes for Gigi, Bella and Hailey while I still have no idea on what I should give to Kendall. I keep on bugging my sister Poppy asking for suggestions. She always tell me to "just keep it simple" or "what does she like" but never really helping me out that much. I just stopped bugging her and I decided to just leave her alone.

I passed by a jewelry store and decided to stop by. I was looking for a possible gift that I could give to Kendall. I was intently browsing their display until a middle-aged woman approached me.

"What it is that you're looking for, child? Maybe I could help you." She gave me a warm smile and I let out my breath I didn't know I was holding. I smiled thankfully at her. I asked her for the best gift that I could give to my bestfriend.

"Oh there is this thing called friendship bracelets and necklace you can pick one." She suggested

"Can I see it, Ma'am? " I asked politely. She showed me where the bracelets and necklace are.

"This is the friendship or couple bracelet. It's like the distance bracelet, you could give it to your partner or to your friend, whatever you desire." The bracelet is like the complete opposite of each other. The other one is pure black with only a single piece of white bead and vice versa. But the necklace is what really caught my attention.

"We can customize the necklace if you want. Like put your name in there or something, you're choice." I decided to pick the necklace then this brilliant idea suddenly pop into my head.

"I was wondering maybe you could make the necklace spelled out the word CaKe?" I hesitantly suggested afraid that maybe I'm asking for too much. She just gave me a warm smile and nodded.

"It will kinda take long, maybe two to three days. I will just contact you once it's done." I quickly gave her my phone number and thanked her numerous times and she just smiled at me, maybe a little surprised for my enthusiasm. I walked out of the store with the widest grin plastered on my face.

"I see, you already got a gift for Kendall huh?" Poppy suddenly appeared out of nowhere making me jump a little. I playfully slapped her arm unable to wipe the grin off my face.

"Yah thanks to you." I said with sarcasm apparent in my tone. She just laughed at me and walked away. I ran to her trying to catch up while she just continue to laugh at me like it's the funniest thing in the world. I just rolled my eyes at her and walk beside her. We decided to stop by a restaurant since we're already starving.

My phone buzzed and my face lit up once I saw who was it from.

"Hey C, I am sorry I wasn't able to call you last night because I am tired and I saw your message. Maybe I can call you now? I miss your voice already."

I didn't waste any time and I quickly dialed her number. After a few rings I was greeted by her lovely voice.

"Hey Cara, I miss you!" She tried to fake her enthusiasm. I can already see her pouting at the end of the line like a baby who was about to cry because someone took her candy. The thought of it made me smile.

"Stop pouting Kenny. I know it just by listening to your voice that you're pouting your lips and I know you are aware that you look cute when you do that but stop it or I'll fly back to LA at this exact time just to capture your cuteness." I joked. I saw my sister giving me some kind of look which I don't know what's the meaning behind. I stared at her and she just smiled at me nodding her head telling me to go on. I just shrugged it off. Again, weird.

"But I just miss you so much." She said you could definitely hear the sadness in her voice. This is making me cry.

"But, Ken it'll be quick besides I already got my plane ticket just in case. I'll be there soon, I promise." I tried to comfort her but I know she can also detect the sadness in my voice.

"Pinky promise?" She asked cutely like a baby asking for her candy. I can't help myself but awed internally. I don't want to receive any weird looks from my sister again.

"Pinky promise." Smile plastered on my face. She is like a child sometimes and it makes me wanna pinch her cheeks. She is so adorable.

"You're so cute. Pinky promise." Once I ended the call, Poppy tried to make fun of me by imitating my voice. Ugh I can't with this lady. I just rolled my eyes at her pretending to scan the menu just to hide my face which now resembles a tomato because of its redness. So embarrassing.

"Omg Cara you are blushing!" She exclaimed while pointing at me. She just laugh again, what a great sister you are Pops. I just ignored her. Rolling my eyes for the nth time that day.


Another chapter is done! Actually I don't really have a plot for this story I guess I'm just gonna go with the flow. I'll try to include less drama (it's up to you if you want more or less drama).

Please if there are some typo or grammatical error kindly inform me and I will correct it as soon as I can. Keep on supporting CaKe. Just believe and the ship will rise again. I love y'all! God bless! xx


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