Taken: Chapter one

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"I'm sorry.... I... I..shouldn't have... No... " Andre glanced at the crying mess of a woman on the pavement of the back alley behind 'High', the night club he owned. He sighed, his jaw clenching with irritation and stood up. When the woman saw him rise, her eyes widened and she grew even more afraid, if that was possible.

"I don't have time for this. I need to be somewhere and I'm already late." Andre said and looked at Rafe. Cold eyes stared back at him and Rafe gave him an almost invisible nod.

Andre knew he wasn't a saint. Hell he was the worst nightmare of most. But Rafe took cruelty to another dimension. Having lived in the streets, the man wasn't above anything dirty and nothing surprised him. But Andre knew Rafe would never cross him. He wasn't stupid to try.

The woman's scream filled the alley and a bloodied finger met the floor. Blood mixed with dirt as Rafe moved the plier away from the woman's now bloodied hand.

"I was supposed to...put a tracker on your phone. That's it. I don't know anything. Let me go. Please. " The woman sobbed uncontrollably holding her bleeding hand. Andre shook his head with disgust. He couldn't believe how stupid she was thinking she could tail him. And his tolerance level for stupid was zero.

"Who?" Andre asked addressing the mess of a woman who'd earlier sauntered over to him as if she owned the world, ignorant and foolish.

"I don't..know. "She whimpered and yelped, backing off when Rafe took a step towards her.

"I swear. I'm not lying. I... I... was paid to distract you enough to put a chip on your phone."

"Who paid you?" His voice was cold.

"I don't know his name. He just comes to Forbidden a lot. That's... That's where I met him. And he paid me in cash." She mumbled referring to the downtown nightclub,pressing a tissue against the place where her finger had been.

"Karl." Andre muttered to the blond man standing a few feet ahead of him. Karl nodded and grabbed the woman by her arm, dragging her away.

"Merda!" Andre cursed glancing at the time on his watch. If he didn't reach now he was going to be seriously late. And he didn't want to disappoint Caroline again.

"The drama is today?" Rafe asked as they drove towards Vincetta Halls of the Newthorne University where the senior year showcase was held.

"Don't let Caro hear you say that. "Andre mumbled with a twitch and heard Rafe grunt.

"If I miss this it will be another crime in the long list of things that will be held against me until the day I die." Andre groaned as Rafe made a sharp turn, almost hitting a man.

They made it in record time and Andre heard the opening notes of the song his sister had played in the car whenever he'd dropped her off somewhere. Breathing a sigh of relief he made his way inside and almost immediately found the dark head of his brother, Lucas.

"And look who the cat dragged in."Lucas drawled when Andre took a seat next to him

"Don't give me lip. " Andre told him smiling and saw Lucas roll his eyes.

Caroline was beautiful on the stage. Her melodic voice managed to enchant all of them and Andre felt his chest swell in pride. Her performance ended with a thunderous applause and Andre rose up to move.

"You're leaving? Already?" Lucas asked him in disbelief.

"We've watched her sing. She's the only reason I was here to begin with. And now I'm leaving. See you later, hermano"

But Andre didn't leave. Instead he made his way backstage where it was a flurry of activities. People in costumes seemed to be running around like headless chickens and it was absolute chaos.

Finally he spotted a familiar brunette and made his way to her.

"You made it!" His sister squeeled as she threw her arms around him and he hugged her back, laughing.

"I'm glad I did. You were wonderful." He told her and she beamed at him.

"Thank you. Have you met Lucas? " She asked glancing around him.

"Yes. We sat together. I must leave now. I came to say bye" He murmured.

"No! You can't leave yet. You haven't watched Hannah yet. " Caroline pleaded disappointed.

Aah, Hannah. The name had been said at every conversation Caroline and Lucas had these days. She was apparently Caroline's new best friend and Lucas's newest conquest. Lucas couldn't seem to shut up about how amazing she was, how talented she was, how sexy she was. But then he expected nothing less from his brother. He seemed to have a little too much fondness for anything with breasts. And none of them lasted longer than a few short months. So he wasn't worried about this Hannah woman. The second Lucas would break her heart, her and Caroline's friendship would be dust.

"Caro, I need.... "

"You have to watch her. She's the best." Caroline interrupted as she pulled at his hands, bringing him closer to the stage.

Andre sighed, leaning against the pillar as he ran his hands through his hair. The stage was dark, as the opening notes of a familiar song started.

"Lucas is going to come in his pants!" Caroline said laughing.

"Caroline!" He reprimanded, outraged at her words. Then he turned to the stage and promptly choked on his breath.

Hair as red as the dress she wore, she was a siren in the form of woman.

Suddenly, it wasn't Lucas's pants he was worried about.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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