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Ch.4- part 2

“well, it started when I was a freshmen in high school, yea I know it was like 2 years ago, but… it somehow scared me..” I said ashamed of it.

“no, its ok, I think that any bad break up can affect a person, no matter how long ago it was.” He said smiling at me.

All I could do was smile and continue, “ well, any ways, of cores like all cliché movies, I was the new girl, my parents and my brother and I had just moved from Seattle to Portland cause of my dad’s job. So the very first day I was sooo lost trying to find my first period class that I ended up in the gym. I don’t know how” we both laughed. “But I saw this kid in the corner outside of the gym and I just decided to ask him where I was, I mean what did I have to l lose right? So I asked him where I was and he just started laughing, not like in a teasing way but in a ‘don’t worry ive been there too.’ So turned out that he had art the same period I did, his name was Hayden. Oh Hayden,” I said in a hateful way, “See, I was in that stage where, you wana express who you really are, but don’t know how to show it yet. My parents were total rockers back in there day, but they forgot what it felt like to have fun and to not give a shit what people think when they see you, so, I dressed like a normal person.”

“Normal, yea, I hate that” he said knowing what I meant.

“yea, ‘normal’ I hated that too, or wait scratch that, I still hate that word… but you can obviously tell,” I laughed at myself.

“You are you.” He smiled.

“Thanks, well, anyways, I was into the same type of music he listened to, metal core, post hardcore, or basically any genre that had core at the end really” we both laughed. “He had told me that he really didn’t have any friend’s cause of the way he looked.”

“how did he look? Just to get a visual you know?”

“well, he looked like, im not sure if you know who this is but ‘Alex Evans’”

He nodded “OH YEA! Damn and no one would talk to him?”

“yea, I was surprised too, but no, people at my school would pretty much shun you or make fun of you if you were anything different. They were more of a preppy generation, besides the metal heads, “I smiled “so over time, he was the sweetest person, and he became my best friend, and that same summer he asked me to be his girlfriend and I agreed to.” I said starring in to the ocean. “and that’s where things got better between us, we were fine throughout high school, yea, girls would hit on him cause as we grew older he grew to look more and more like Oliver Sykes, which im pretty sure you know him.” I said turning to him.

“Oli! Yea, of cores.” He said sitting up.

“after junior year, that summer he had to go and visit his grandmother in London. It was the first summer that we weren’t together. So when he came back and I noticed from the gecko that something wasn’t right. But stupid me I ignored it. Senior year came, and he began to make more and more friends with the skater kids at school, which I mean he would talk to but not really hang out with, he would say that it wasn’t his type of crowd, although he looked the part, he didn’t think like them because they would do drugs and all that crap. And he didn’t really like that. So one night we he invited me to a house party. I wasn’t in any mood that weekend to go because that Friday we got into a stupid fight that I don’t even remembers what about. But I remember him saying that he didn’t give a f**k about what I thought about his friends and that he was going to that party and he was going have fun with or without me. So Monday came and he apologized and I forgave him for being stupid. we walked into school together. And I swear, I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. It wasn’t the ‘im jealous of your boyfriend’ look that I would always get, it was ‘the’ sympathy look. I didn’t really pay too much attention to it until my best friend Kelly gave me the most horrific news that any girl can get.” I said trying not to let the tears over power me.

The ROCK STAR & the NORMAL Girl [ft. Kellin Quinn]Where stories live. Discover now