Haunted chapter 7

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Mystic Falls High

[Tyler is walking out to his car.]

Tyler: All right, later, man.

Man: See you, bro!

[Tyler gets in his car. Vicki, is there.]

Vicki: Hi, Tyler.

Tyler: Whoa, Vicki, Everyone's looking for you!

Vicki: I know.

Tyler: What's wrong, Vicki,

Vicki: I'm so cold.

Tyler: You're on drugs!? Everyone thinks you're off on a bender.

Vicki: whispers) I wish.

Tyler: What happened in those woods, Vicki?' Those kids that were killed. What did you see?

Tyler: Control what?

Vicki: I am so hungry, Tyler. And it won't go away.

Tyler: What are you on?

Vicki: I want it. I am so hungry, Tyler.

Tyler: What are you on?

Vicki: I want it. I am so hungry, Tyler.

Tyler: Okay look, I'll get you something to eat. Just sit back. Look, let's just get you home, okay? Whoa! Vicki! what is wrong with you?!

[Vicki, attacks Tyler. Stefan pulls her off of him in time.]

Vicki: Aah! Let go of me!

[Damon appears.]

Tyler: What's going on here, Stefan? What's wrong with her?

Damon: You don't talk.

Tyler: Screw you, dude.

Damon: "Dude"? Really? "Dude"?

Stefan: Damon, don't!

Damon: Oh come on. Who's gonna miss this idiot?

[Tyler hits Damon.]

Vicki: Ooh! Don't you hurt him.

[Damon grabs Tyler by the throat and compels him.]

Damon: Forget what you saw here tonight. None of us were here.

[He throws Tyler. Tyler gets up and all of them are gone.]

Gilbert Residence

[Alayna, wakes up and goes into the bathroom.]

Alayna: Sorry.

Jeremy: Oh, no, it's cool, I'm done.

Alayna: You're up early. Where are you going?

Jeremy: Police station.

Alayna: Wait. Shouldn't you be going to school?

Jeremy: What? You're kidding me, right?

Alayna: You shouldn't skip school. If they find her, we'll know. That's what cellphones are for.

Jeremy: Yeah, your lips keep movin'. I don't know why.

Mystic Falls High

[Matt's phone rings.]

Matt: Yeah?

Vicki: Matty?

Matt: Vicki, where are you? Are you okay?

Vicki: Yeah. I'm okay.

Matt: Tell me where you are, and I'll come get you.

Vicki: No. Matty, I just need some time to figure things out. Just know that I am okay, okay? Please don't worry about me.

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