Knowing Senses

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Aaliyah's POV

"So, where exactly are we going?" I inspect, noticing as we're in my loft buildings, "Why are we here?"

"There's someone who can help you control your powers here," Stiles explains, opening the familiar door.

"Took you long enough," The deep voice huffs as my eyes widen in anxiousness.

He glances up at my figure and his jaw drops open in shock, as I turn around facing Stiles, "Does it have to be him?" I whisper while Stiles and the other boys furrow their eyebrows in confusion.

"Why not him?" Scott questions, "Do you two know each other?"

"Oh, they sure do," Malia snorts, immediately covering her mouth after saying that, "Shit."

My eyes shut for a split second, trying to find a way to explain why Derek and I knew each other without sounding slutty. "Whats that supposed to mean?" Stiles interrogates.

"Not what you want it to," Derek mutters, rolling his eyes.

"We um," I start, scratching the back of my head while the attention stayed on me, "We play rearrange the sheets together sometimes?"

"You-" Stiles begins to inquire, scolding and scrunching up his face in disgust before gagging, "We'll find someone else to teach her, bye." He groans, clutching my arm.

"And who might that be?" Scott interjects, "I hate to break it to you, Stiles, but Derek is probably the only capable one for it right now."

"I'd rather have his physco uncle teach her these things," He sneers, crossing his arms as of he were five years old.

"We don't even do those intercourses anymore," Derek assures him, as Stiles stood there in disbelief, "I didn't even know you two were dating?"

I grin and glare over at Stiles whose cheeks had turned rosy red by now as Scott and Isaac laugh in hysterics, "We aren't," Stiles states, barely inaudible.

"Enough about this," I announce with chuckles, "I just want to learn to be able to act like I'm normal."


Wincing in pain, I send death glares towards Derek, "How is kicking my ass helping a damn soul?!"

"Well, normally, I'm against beating a lady," He begins, picking me up by my shirt, "But on this occasion, it helps you with controlling when you shift on a full moon or any day."

"And since it's help," Isaac adds with a shrug, "Its okay."

"Glad you guys are against abuse," I sarcastically comment, before being slammed into a wall by Isaac, and Scott kicking me into a table.

Soon enough, I shift into a werewolf and throw the two boys into the ground, before backing away, "How do I control it?!"

"Find an anchor," Derek instructs, "Something that'll bind your werewolf and your human senses together, keeping you human."

Once again, I was kicked in the ribs by Derek, blood slowly spurting from my mouth, "What is your guys anchor?!"

"Anger," Derek answers, placing his hands around my neck, "But it doesn't have to be that for everyone."

"Mine is myself," Scott continues, "For the moment."

"My dad," Isaac shrugs it off, rolling his eyes.

"Just find something," Derek demands, flipping me over, me landing on my face for probably the billionth time. This is a great lesson.

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