The Process

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Aaliyah's POV

"Stay with me, Aaliyah," Stiles pleads, my vision growing blurrier by the second. "Aaliyah, please," I hear him add, his voice growing shaky, "Tell me she'll be okay, Deaton."

"I'm not sure yet," He murmurs, holding up my clawed arm.

At this point, I saw dark fading shadows and only heard voices. I could feel my eyes getting heavier sand heavier, as my arm got more numb than before.


Then, everything ceased.

Stiles' POV

"She's out," I inquire, my jaw dropping immediately, "Please tell me that's a sign of her getting better or something."

"Her heart rate is slowing down," Scott interjects, as I place my hand upon her delicate skin, my veins turning black.

"Deaton, she's dying, do something!" I beg, running my hand through my hair as her body grows weaker every minute wasted.

"There's only one way to be sure she survives," Deaton answers, glancing over at Scott, "You have to make her your beta."

Scott's eyes nearly budge out of his head and his mouth fall open, "I've been an alpha for like two months, how the hell am I supposed to bite someone?!"

"You act like biting someone is building a rocket," Isaac deadpanned, rolling his eyes a he leaned against the wall.

"You're so sweet, Isaac," I comment sarcastically, as he flips me off.

"What if I like hit an artery or something?" Scott panics, pacing back and forth in the small operating room.

"You'll do fine, all you have to do is bite her arm," Deaton assures him, "She looks strong enough to take the bite, I'm sure she won't die."

"Scott, just do it!" Lydia rushes, losing her patience.

He sighs and picks up her petite arm, before shifting into a werewolf, "What if it doesn't work?"

"It'll work, just shut up and do it," Allison huffs, as everyone grows weary on how much time we have left to save her.

Rolling his eyes, he instantly digs his teeth into her skin. You could hear her skin ripping and everything, that's just gross. After mere seconds, of holding onto the bite, he let's go and sets her arm down. "Did it work? Did I do it?" He asks hoping his confidence wouldn't drop from this stunt.

"I can't tell yet, we have to give it time to process," Deaton informs us all, as we nod in understanding.


-Two Hours Later-

We all sat piled in the vets lobby, waiting impatiently for any of the least bit results. It felt like years had passed as we sat here high on hopes.

Sitting down, I was focusing on my senses. My hearing, vision, etc.

Then I heard her heart beat pick up.

"Its working! It's working!" I exclaim, jumping out of my chair as Deaton opens the gate for me, everyone following behind me.

I watched her wounds slowly heal, her skin rejoining where it had been ripped previously as her breathing became normal again.

Her eyes snapped open, revealing a yellow color to her new pair of eyes, as she glared over, returning to her human form. "Aaliyah," I smiled, as she jumped off the table, as I hugged her.

Aaliyah's POV

Finally, I was embracing Stiles' hug, everyone surrounding us, fulfilling a group hug. "So its true, all of it?" I take in, with a heavy breath.

Stiles stared down at the floor and lowly nodded, muttering a low, "Yeah."

"And, I'm one too now?" I bite my lip with my eyebrow arched up.

"Scott turned you," Kira says, as they became quiet, not wanting to know my reaction.

"Why are you guys so quiet?" I inspect with a chuckle, "This is awesome!" I cheered, hugging Scott.

"You actually want to be a werewolf?" Isaac interrogates, with a grin.

"Well, I don't really have a say in it anymore," I shrug it off, with a smirk.

I glared over at Stiles who was leaning against the operating table, me making my way back over to him, "I told you I'd find out what you were hiding,"


Sorry its short! I just have a lot of things going on right now and I don't have much time to update! I'll try and make the next one longer though! x

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