I'm Gonna Skip Some Of My Training To When I Become A Badass

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Three months later in hell(yes still)

Turns out the woman who's bathroom I landed in was Lilith. She's also know as one of the most powerful demonic beings in existence.

In more relevant news, I wake up in my room to the light of the blue ball in the sky, that passes for a sun down here. As of now, I just need 30 minutes of down time in order to be rested enough for 3 days of consecutive training. To give a quick comparison I started out being down for 3 days straight and it progressively decreased to that in the span of 3 weeks. I personally think it has to do with the whole trinity thing but who knows. As a result of my training I can now conjure clothing to my taste and 4 weapons corresponding to the first 4 symbols on my ring: the 6-inch red Kasper Dragon, a green 2 foot Gladius sword, blue steel staff 5'6, and a carbon color raging bull revolver. Mind you, I can materialize them in any pairing I like. By the way Amadeus still is stronger than me right now. He is one of the official rulers of Hell.

Now, I hopped out of bed and magic-ed up a nice jet black combat armor type outfit. And yeah I gained the liking for leather jackets . Then, as I walk towards the door of my room, here's when a weird grey ball of light pops up behind me. At this point I'm used to it to a degree. The ball turns into a humanoid shape with something in its left hand. As the light dims I'm starting to recognize it's Gabe but like his short blonde hair grew down to his shoulder blades and he's holding a thin stick.

I open with a brilliant "what the fuck?" completely dumbfounded with my brother looking like Gandalf without the beard. And my first actual statement being "What's with the stick?"

Gabe looks a little disappointed as says "It's a grey wand dude." But I think he realizes that I'm stronger now because he cracks that signature 'let's get to business' smile "And, looks like I don't have to hold back now and really have fun" while saying it he raised the wand.

I have the retort of "nah you're out of your-"  and I get a face full of golden fire from the twig. "league... Ugh." I don't go flying this time because Amadeus and the others have blasted me in the face with so many different types of magic throughout my training. "well my turn."

I move close and have my revolver aimed at his chest before Gabe pulls it out of my hand. I have to admit I didn't expect that he could the stick into nun chucks "Now what was that?" as he hits me in the face with a right hook, that hurt like hell. (no pun intended.)

As I'm now flying across the room, I see a streak of luminous purple lightning hit Gabe from behind me. As I get caught by my head midflight I hear a familiar female British voice "Goddammit Goldie locks, snowflake does this have to be our every reunion?" and my skull feels the frustration as she's crushing it. Gabe's out cold by the way. With that acknowledgement, I'm spun around and caught by my head. Now, facing a strawberry blonde, who's a like 2 feet taller than Val was. She's looks almost like Valerie's mom but at least 10 years younger and battle worn, not so much physically but spiritually. Her face with minor scars that would not be noticeable at a distance. I was showing my confusion at this female warrior's identity. She simply says "I came all this way to bring your homework and you don't recognize me?" before slamming me face first into the floor. Considering that we were on the 57th floor and I counted going through at least 30. It's fair to say Val is still stronger than me and Gabe.

I wake up to Lucy tending to my wounds. Amadeus laughing at Gabe's tail and branch like horns. And, Val crossed arms covered in lightning, in what looks like a meditative state. In front of her large sword sitting sheathed and engulfed in the same type of indigo lighting surrounding Val. "Well, that's one way to see some old friends" I chuckle out

then Amadeus stops laughing to say "well, now isn't the best time for us to stay here any longer. So back to earth everyone, me and the others have a plan"

I stand up and I feel my everything hit me. Before I can fall Lucy catches me and says sadly "no argument. It's already decided." I look at her and she seems almost terrified.

"what did I miss?" I look to Gabe and Amadeus who are smirking. Gabe's probably looking forward to another fight as always and Amadeus is Amadeus. I start to getting excited and say "are we gonna be fighting Angels?"

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