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I slammed my hand down onto my phone to stop my alarm.

I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the sunlight pouring between the curtains of my window.


I dragged myself out of bed and glanced into the mirror.

My face was puffy from sleep and my eyes were red.


I went downstairs and grabbed a breakfast bar before slowly coming back up the stairs. I've resulted in just eating alone in my room.

I didn't want to wake up my dad who was still asleep. I was hoping to just slip out this morning.

My parents are in the middle of a divorce. It's been a hard couple of months. . My mom leaves in the morning and comes home at night after work and I don't talk to her. She doesn't talk to me because I still talk to my dad.

Atleast I have my dad still.

I'm just not feeling interaction this morning. My body just hurt- mentally I'm beyond drained. Emotionally unstable most of the time. However my closest friends are starting to be able to see that I'm struggling, but I shrug it off.

I'll be in college soon enough. Senior year will end soon enough.

I walked over to my closet and pulled out a pair of dark ripped jeans and a yellow shirt that read 'Good Vibes' along the chest in cursive. I need all the good vibes I can get.

As I was brushing my already straight brown hair my phone vibrated on my dresser.

Jules:) : Hey do you love me enough to pick me up on the way to school

I looked down and smiled. Jules has been my best friend since middle school. I'd do anything for her. She's been by my side throughout this whole disaster of family life. I'm so greatful for her.

Me: of course love I'll be there in 5

Jules:) : This is why I love you as much as I do

I shook my head as a slight smile creeped onto my face from her message.

I slid my feet into my nikes and went for the door. I carefully slipped out and got in my car.

On the way to Jules I couldn't stop thinking of home life. I was just really over the struggle, sneaking out the front door in the morning only to come home and lock myself in my room again.

I silenced my thoughts as I pulled into her driveway and watched as she came down, rather quickly down, her porch steps and jumped in my car. "Hi Autumn!" She smiled. She was energetic- too energetic for a Monday.

I smiled and backed out of her driveway. "You're a little too hype for 7:15 on a Monday morning." I started the short drive to school.

"I'm hype because.." she dragged the 'e' out, "Guess!" She yelled causing me to whip my head at her for a second before refocusing my eyes back on the road.

"Damn Jules I don't know, Dylan called?"

Dylan was Jules boyfriend. He's been one of our best friends since freshman year. When Jules started to crush on him, I set them up. I knew Jules liked him and I wanted her and Dylan happy. Now they're beyond happy and one of the top couples in school.

Too bad I can't make myself happy.

"No!" She let out an exaggerated sigh, "He calls all the time. I wanted to say we're all invited to a party!" She was excited.

"Cool?" I said almost in a question. She goes to lots of parties. She has a lot more popularity than me.

I don't party. I have a hard time worrying of getting caught or something bad happening to me.

"It's at Ethans and Graysons!" She paused for a second as my eyes widened. "And you're coming. Autumn you have to let loose. We're in the final stretch of our senior year! You haven't gone to one highschool party!" She turned her body to face me, "Not one!"

My mind blocked out her words when only one thought started to slip onto my mind-
Ethan Dolan.

He's so quiet, the way opposite of his twin Grayson Dolan. Ethan's just shy, but I hear when he parties he's an animal. We have a few classes together, but I can't bring myself to talk to him.

"Okay, okay! I get it." I pulled into my parking spot and got out. "But Ethan..." I looked down as I put my bag on my shoulders.

She knew I kind of liked him. She figured it out one day when I bumped into Ethan in the hall and my face lit up bright red. It was humiliating. Ethan had just shrugged it off and walked away.

We started walking in and she smiled. "It wouldn't be bad to see them. They live right there." She nudged me.

She was right, they lived three houses down. There was no excuse to avoid any party that they've thrown that I was invited to.

Maybe one party wouldn't totally kill me.

Hi! So I've never written a story before, but honestly I am beyond excited about this! I've wanted to write one for awhile now and finally got an idea and Im excited for! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

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