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Saturday morning

I really didn't want to hop onto a plane tonight and fly back to Jersey. Things were going so well with Ethan and I.

After we made up, the rest of the trip was paradise.

We spent so much time on the beach, surfing and building sandcastles. Cookouts, bonfires, everything.

We visited sights in California that were beautiful.

Our days were full of adventures with a night full of cuddles. Honestly, I couldn't have asked for anything better.

I was going to miss this close time with him knowing once I got back to my chaos at home, things were going to get tough.

Keeping Ethan by my side I knew was going to make it bearable, but I wasn't ready to give up the alone time I have with just him.

As I turned over in the bed to admire Ethan, I see his eyes awake. I took that time to look into his eyes. Beautiful hazel, a perfect feature.

Even broken is still so beautiful.

"Good morning love." He whispered as he lazily traced small patterns onto my side underneath where my shirt had rode up from sleep.

I smiled softly at him.  "I don't want to go home." I nuzzled my head into his chest, his scent heavenly.

"Me neither." He kissed the top of my head. "But we'll go home and be happy in New Jersey! It'll still be amazing."

I shrugged. "I guess..."

He tilted by head up to look at him, his forehead pressing on mine. "I promise I'll help you and make things better the best I can." He whispered. His soft lips pressing a kiss against mine.

The kiss lasted a couple of seconds before he pulled away. "What time is it?"

I moved my head to lay on his chest. "Nine a.m. , What should we do before we finish packing up?"

"Honestly," he sat up onto his elbows and looked out at the balcony. I sat up slightly, watching him speak. "Let's just sit on the balcony. I can go get breakfast from the kitchen and bring it up."

I nodded. "That sounds perfect." I kissed his cheek.

His cheeks slightly pinkened as he got up, placing a small kiss onto my forehead, and went downstairs.

Ethans POV:

I went downstairs and smiled to myself like a weirdo. I was just happy. Waking up to Autumn almost every morning of this trip has been blissful.

Her and I were perfect. I couldn't ask for a more perfect girl. I don't know what I did in this world to deserve her. She completes me, makes me happy.

My everything.

I still get butterflys when I look into her gorgeous eyes or she places a soft kiss on my cheek.

I went into the kitchen and into the fridge. We had a ton of fruit left that we'd trash before leaving so I settled on that for breakfast.

I grabbed a big bowl out and put pineapple, grapes, watermelon, strawberries, and cantaloupe all into a bowl for us.

Grayson lazily came into the kitchen, his shorts hanging low and his hair a mess.

I looked at him, eyebrow slightly raised. "Bup you look like hell. Pull your shorts up." I went over and pulled his shorts up.

"Alice likes em low." He opened the fridge, grabbing the rest of the grapes. "What are you doing?"

"You and Alice official?" I ignored his question.

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