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Autumns POV:

We stopped and got in-and out.

I have to say it was pretty good. The fries were honestly the best and I got another order out on the way out along with Jules and Grayson.

We got back to the house around six and decided to surf and watch the sunset.

Ethan, Grayson, and Dylan all had on their swimtrunks.

Ethan chose to wear his yellow ones and that right there is a huge concept.

We all got our swimsuits on and went out, I went with my red one.

"Grayson you have to prove your handstand surf move!" Alice yelled as she paddled out.

"Oh you know I will!" Grayson yelled running out into the water.

We all ran in and once I got out there, I realized Ethan was sitting on the beach, his surfboard stuck up in the sand. He had his hands enclosed around his knees with his chin propped inbetween them.

Jules paddled up next to me and sat up on the surfboard, "You guys all good?"

I sat up on my surfbord with a slight shrug, "I don't know. After the acai bowl his mood instantly flipped. I asked if he was okay and he just shook his head." I looked down at my hands. "I can't help to think I did something wrong,"

"No." Jules stopped me before I could go on, "You didn't. We've all been having a great time."

"I know, but after he took that picture of me and bam mood flipped, I... I dunno."

Jules leaned over and grabbed my hand. "Look, surf a little with us all now. After you feel he's had enough alone time, go up and talk to him. He hasn't been alone yet this trip, maybe he just got overwhelmed." She shrugged. "I promise he'll be fine, but don't let him stop you from having fun." She got up onto her board. "Now c'mon! Let's go ride some waves."

I nodded slightly and got up onto my board. I couldn't help but look at Ethan sitting in the sand. He looked so sad, alone in his wetsuit. I didn't want to leave him there. It hurt too much to want to have fun knowing he was upset.

"Jules I," I got back down onto my board. "I need to go talk to him first." I started paddling up to him.

As I made my way out of the water, his eyes gazed over to me. "What are you doing?" He asked, his voice slightly raspy from being silent for so long.

"I came to see you." I shoved my board into the sand next to him and sat down.

"Don't let me stop you from having fun, Autumn."

"I can't go out there knowing you're upset."

I looked into his eyes, they reflected hurt. I searched them, between the broken cracks for an ounce of happiness and nothing.

He sighed and set his head back onto his knees.

I lightly rubbed his back. "You can talk to me about anything Ethan. You know that."

"I know..." he clenched his jaw and sat up, stretching his legs out against the warm sand.

Ethans POV:

"When I took that photo of you today," I started, "I got a text and," I shook my head. "I can't tell you Autumn."

"Love," she moved closer to me. "It's okay. You don't have to tell me if you aren't ready." She whispered. "I just want you to be okay and enjoy our trip."

I slowly wrapped my arms around her nodding my head slightly.

The rest of the gang came up from the beach and my eyes locked with Graysons.

Grayson POV:

I locked eyes with Ethan and I felt my heart crack for him. His eyes looked so sad, so pained.

More than usual.

Something happened to him and I needed to figure it out.

I went and sat by him. "Come with me." I grabbed his hand pulling me up. "Ethan and I left something in the house we'll be right back!" I gave them all a forced smile. "You guys need anything?"

"Want me to come help you guys bring some bottled water?" Dylan asked.

"No we got it!" I grabbed Ethan and dragged him up into the house.

Autumns POV:

I watched them go in frowning slightly. My heart hurt for him.

The remaining of us all plopped down in the sand.

"Honestly," Alice started, burying her toes into the sand. "I can't believe that Grayson did a handstand to ride a wave. Like how."

"You only think it's crazy because you've fallen for him." Dylan smirked.

That's what I loved about having Dylan, he gossiped with us all the time. I remember when Jules and him started dating and she said he loved knowing all the tea and she wasn't kidding.

Alice blushed and nodded. "I just really like him. When I'm around him I forget about his reputation."

Dylan nodded. "To spill some good tea," he looked around. "Maybe not."

"Tell us!" Jules swatted his chest.

"C'mon Dylan you can't leave us hanging!" I kicked some sand at him.

"Fine! Fine! Dylan admitted to E and I how he liked you." He smiled at Alice.

Alices face said it all, she broke out into a huge grin as her blush rose to color her tanning cheeks. "I...I'm so happy right now." She giggled.

All this happiness made me think of Ethan. I was so worried about him. I knew he was upset and the way Grayson came and took him made me worry.

"Hey can you excuse me?" I got up.

"No." Jules joked.

"Where you goin?" Alice looked up at me.

I wiped the sand off the back of my legs. "I'm just going to run up to the house and pee."

"Pee in the ocean." Dylan laughed, "I did that."

"You're so gross. That poor ocean." Jules shook her head holding back a laugh.

"I'll be right back." I started making my way into the house. I did have to pee, so I wasn't totally lying about how I had to go in to pee.

That and I wasn't going to pee in the ocean.

I needed to see Ethan too. I needed to make sure he was okay.

Ah hi! Next chapter is going to be good I am really excited about it so stay tuned😊
Also 120 reads what?! Thank you I hope you guys are enjoying this book

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