He's my brother... Shuck head

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I guess you could say I'm.... different. I'm not random, but I'm also not normal... I'm different. Unless you are eleven or older you can stay in the real world and suffer a way of life where you know your days are numbered and thanks to the flare they are even more shortened. My case wasn't any different but just worse, being an orphan I was in no way close to having a chance of being saved. When WICKED found me stealing food, my guess is they were running out of people to throw into their little lab rat experiment. Hey my name is Y/N, WICKED intended for my name to be "Marie" like Marie Curie, but I remember... I remember everything. The thing is when they sent me into the Box someone forgot that I was immune to the medicine they use to induce amnesia, so they just made it so I could speak very minimal. Which means I can speak a few words before it starts hurting my throat like it's being sliced. In the box, there are a few crates of supplies and other stuff that the Gladers might have requested. I found a book on sign language in there so I was speed reading to maybe use it as a form of communication. While I heard the walls scrape against the sides of the Box as it moved I sat in the corner calmly reading my book. I'm thirteen and I'm pretty calm for a thirteen-year-old honestly, though, I was excited to go into the Maze... I swear I'm not crazy. But I have a brother inside the maze, I hear they are calling him Thomas, as in Edison. I don't know if I can tell them everything I know without them crapping themselves and breaking down. I will tell them what I know which is very small, but I will go with the name WICKED gave me and be called by Marie. But I will keep one thing secret, when I was taken by WICKED they gave me a certain power, I can control plants. I think that fair since Thomas can connect telepathically. I'm still reading when I see a sliver of light shine on the bottom of the box, even though I should be concerned I keep reading. Then I hear voices and people losing their heads while I sit still.







I look up to find only boys, I read the last bit of my book now knowing how to use sign language. I put the book down and sign to the boys upward

"My name is Marie"

A mean looking boy jumps in and looks around, he finds the book I was reading and skims to find a way to talk to me. He says:

"How old are you"

"I'm thirteen"

"I'm Gally"

"Can you please show me to a boy named Thomas?"

He stood there dumbly and knowing no other sign language turned for a blonde haired boy to jump into the Box and come over. He jumped down and Gally explained the situation to him and he told gally to leave the box. He signs to me:

"My name's Newt, can you hear us."

"Yes but I'm not allowed to speak much or else my throat will start hurting really bad for a long time."

"What's your name again"

"My name's Marie, I'm thirteen and can you point me to a boy named Thomas, I'm his sister." he stands there shocked and calls for some boys to come down and get me out. I clutch the ground and the portion of the somewhat brown grass was turned green by my hand. No one seemed to notice and I stood there waiting to be shown to Thomas. Newt comes out of the box and calls for Gally to keep me guarded against the other guys. We walk to a wooden shack that they apparently call Homestead. They said inside is Thomas and a boy named Minho were resting and said they were going to wake them up. I reached out my hand to stop Newt and let them rest but I couldn't say anything and he had already started to walk away to Homestead. I looked at Gally knowing he couldn't say anything I turned to look at the shack. It wasn't really anything but a few slabs of woods stuck together to look like a house. Apparently, they fit almost all of the boys here into that one hovel. Yet it seemed to almost be homey in a way. I started to get fidgety after a little bit but then I felt Gally tap my shoulder.

"Hey, Thomas is pretty level headed for a shuck head. I'm sure he will be a little confused but then eventually like you." He said

I was starting to notice that I should probably not wear my emotions on my sleeve like that, so I tried to chill out a bit. A little bit later I heard clicks and a few sounds of someone falling... then the door to Homestead opened up. It revealed two guys, one I knew was Thomas so I guessed the other one was Minho, who was getting off the floor from falling. Thomas just looked at me for a second and I could see the gears in his head finally clicking and he starts to freaking SPRINT at me. Newt then gets worried that Thomas has gone crazy and starts to also freaking SPRINT after Thomas. I am then lifted off the ground and in Thomas's arms. He looks almost like tears of joy are going to spill from his eyes when he screams at the top of his lungs:


I keep trying to sign to him and it's not working until he looks up at me and the color of his face drains like a cartoon.

"Y/N can you hear me, what are you doing," he asks. I keep signing until Newt gets over here and translates my signing to English.

"She can't speak for some reason, she's saying she wants to be called Marie and she can hear you," Newt says.

Thomas looks to me slowly and asks why I can't speak and I explain that WICKED sort of took me voice and Newt translates it confused when he translate the part about the Creators. Thomas just hugs me and keeps me there until he lets go and I can tell he's holding back tears. I then sign:

"I think it's fixable though, possibly there could be an antidote."

Newt translates it and then when done says everyone in the glade is going to learn sign language obviously annoyed. Thomas then looks at me and then says slowly:

"Marie, your my sister, and we will fix this I promise."

I nod and look at the sun seems to be going down and I start to feel a bit faint as I look at a mirror shard  to see my throat. Seeing that there is still blood from when they injected me.

The Maze's little sister (A maze runner story)Where stories live. Discover now