1 . 7 | Withering

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Chapter Seven

As of this moment, Scott devoted his time to figure out a way to cure himself and everyone else. Including Helena. He and Stiles laid up in Stiles's room in silence. Stiles hounded the web for anything about a magic box as Scott wondered where the enchantress was and what she was doing with Helena's body.

"Okay here it is again but this time the box is in Mexico" Stiles informed as he continued to read the script.

"How did it get from Greece to London and end up in Mexico?"

"Only to end up in Beacon Hills, you tell me. But all of them describe the box as bringing nothing but evil and pain" Stiles paused as he scrolled down some more. "But the one in Mexico burnt down a church?"

Scott leaned forward to read the screen, but his eyes were instantly drawn to the pictures of a charred church.

"Although there is nothing recorded about it after Mexico" Stiles concluded.

"Hey look at that" Scott mumbled pointing out a blog that previewed text of information about the box. "The blogger is from Beacon Hills"

"What kind of username is tateatetots?" Stile laughed to himself, pondering the face behind the ridiculous tag.

Scott leaped to his feet and began to put on his shoes. "Where are you going?" Asked Stiles.

"To find the box, we aren't going to do anything just by sitting here. Besides if we have the box then Pandora won't" Scott said tossing his denim button up over his white tank.

"God are we really calling her that?" Stiles twitched right his seat and down the hall with Scott. "I think she made it very clear she doesn't want us to dig it up. And us having the box doesn't even give us an advantage over this girl if she doesn't want it" Stiles protested.

"She doesn't want it, but she doesn't want it dug up. That's an advantage"

"Then I'm coming!"

"Then get your shoes" Scott laughed opening the front door.

It took the entire day for the boys to find the box's burial ground, even with Scott's super smell it was tough finding the spot. Although when the two boys thought the day couldn't get any more annoying, the box was gone.

The ground had already been dug up, and Scott noticed the dirt wasn't fresh. Meaning whoever dug the box up did it a while ago. Who could have known about such a thing, other then the people who buried it.

"She must have came back for it" Stiles suggested.

Suddenly a deep growl thudded the cold air around the boys. Stiles's heart sank to the pits of his stomach, as Scott focused on transitioning.

"You know I'm starting to hate the fact that you're not the only wolf in town any more" Stiles gulped as he turned face to face with the blue eyes werewolf. "Oh my god Scott, it's Derek Hale."

"Shut up Stiles" Scott grunted trying his best to shift, but he just couldn't. It was weird because he could do it any other time without a problem.

"If opening that box gave everyone in Beacon Hills supernatural abilities like you then it amplified feelings . He is an amplified serial killer" Stiles said sounding as if he were about to faint.

Derek began to slowly pace towards the two. Little did Stiles know about the complexity of Derek's life, or that he was bitten and not turned by the box. All Stiles did know was that he burnt down his house with his family in it. Which by the way was more than enough reason to stay away.

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