2 . 3 | Equanimity

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Chapter Three

"I'm not stuffing my bra, I am happy the way I am" Helena mumbled scrolling through her Twitter feed. You mean our bra? And I just think it would make you stand out more, plus get boys for when I'm in control Pandora echoed throughout Helena's head. 

"You aren't going to be in control. Ever. Only when you're needed" Helena mentioned before biting her thumb. Don't count on that princess, you know I think you're just upset because Scott left us earlier. 

Helena clenched down on her jaw hoping Pandora couldn't sense the frustration. Although Pandora felt everything from Helena's emotions to the subtlest itch on her body.  After a moment of silence, Helena felt butterflies flying in her stomach, but it was abnormal and unusual. 

The swirling sensation in her stomach intensified over the next few minutes. 

You can't ignore me Helena, I'm always gonna be here. And I am trying to make this experience good for you so as I advised I think you should-

"I'm not stuffing my fucking bra!" Helena roared out loud. 

She slowly came face to face with her uncle who acted as if he didn't just hear his niece say that. As the two looked at each other, the first couple things David said were tuned out. Something about David made Helena distracted.

The constant throbbing of a vein on his neck. It was almost like her eyes were anticipating each pump of blood coursing through David. The depths of her ears were filled with a bumping bass but before she allowed herself to give in any more, Helena caught herself leaning into David almost. 

Just like how I was leaning over Lydia. . .

"So is that a yes?" David asked oddly hoping Helena would accept the invitation. 

"Yes. Yes. David go I'm busy" Helena blurted before escorting her uncle out of her room. 

Leaning her back against the door Helena nearly jumped out of her skin at the sight of Scott climbing through her window. 

"Jesus can you at least text before you come up" She sighed falling back onto her bed. 

"I wouldn't get comfortable if I were you" Scott smiled before leaning against the wall. 

Helena jolted up to her feet and faced the man she was slowly gaining attraction towards. 

"Why? Is Derek okay?" 

"Yeah he's fine. Well no actually, he's fine for now. We have to get an arrow he said, that should reverse the effect of the wolfs bane" Scott replied. 

"I have an arrow from when I took archery in fifth grade" Helena responded in the blink of an eye. 

Scott couldn't help but smile at the determination in her eyes, she wanted to help. It was one of the many things he admired about Helena. 

"Not a regular arrow. . ." 

"A hunters arrow. Right. So you're not here for me, you're here for-" Scott slapped his hand over Helena's mouth before she accidentally spoke the name of the devil. 

Helena and Scott stood still and looked at one another before bolting out in laughter. Scott finally pulled his hand away and shoved them in his pockets. Rude Pandora spat from the back of Helena's head. 

"Yes. But before we get her out in the world, I just wanted to ask if you're doing okay?" 

Helena furrowed her brows as soon as Scott was done talking. Is this a trick question? I mean I am fine I guess. Life is good right now, even better that he's- woah what. . . 

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